Candidates- Here is your invitation/schedule to talk to us
One of the most brilliant ad runs I can recall was Ford Motor Company’s “Ford has a better idea” campaign. It incorporated Fords vehicles and a light bulb that illuminated at the end of the ads. It was brilliant. That brilliance has faded and has Ford IN A HANDBASKET this morning.
Does anyone pay attention to the World Health Organization anymore? Should they? After this announcement, I’m guessing NO! After 5 worldwide deaths the WHO is calling Monkeypox a global health emergency. I'm no doctor, but I’m pretty sure it’s not.
We have become a panicked people as a couple of stories in Mick’s Morning News will show us. It pays to be aware of your surroundings, but then the mob panics, what are you to do?
Palm Bay is in the current Florida House District 53 and the Indian River Lagoon runs through both. The D-53 representative thinks he runs the world and regularly shows that he wants to.His ongoing flap with several political figures is indicative of his abrasive and controlling personality. We have examples.
Our candidate interviews continue thus morning with School Board District 2 candidates featured today and Wednesday.
Remember Ford having a better idea? Forget that!
Skynet begins with a Russian kid!
Who listens to the WHO anymore?
Disney- “Fairy Godmother’s Apprentices”
Ethics commission moving forward vs Latvala