Candidates, thank you for your desire to serve in our community. To further the goal of having an informed electorate, I am offering your candidacy the opportunity to share your message to Brevard’s voters on Bill Mick LIVE. This is your opportunity to discuss your campaign, experiences and your philosophies for the office you seek.
Because of the lengthy mail ballot and early voting periods, and large number of candidates to interview in a short period of time, this invitation is for IN STUDIO ONLY and ONLY on the dates and times noted below. I do not have the time or ability to make adjustments to the schedule in order to accommodate preferences or conflicts. I do hope that each of you make the time to speak to our engaged audience.
For candidates with no contact information on the Brevard Supervisor of Elections candidate page, this invitation is being posted at as public notice of your opportunity to appear.
July 11, 2022, County Commission D-2
7:40 am- Joey Cholewa
8:40am- Tom Goodson
July 13, 2022, County Commission D-2
7:40am- Christopher Hattaway
8:40am- Dave Netterstrom
July 15, 2022, School Board D-1
7:40am- Misty Belford
8:40am- Megan Wright
July 18, 2022, County Commission D-4
7:40am- David W. Armstrong
8:40am- Sandra Sullivan
July20, 2022, County Commission D-4
7:40am- Margaret Mary Steciuk
8:40am- Rob Feltner
July 22, 3033, School Board D-5
7:40am- Katye Campbell
8:40am- Kim Hough
July 25, 2022, School Board D-2
7:40am- Erin Dunne
8:40am- Courtney Lewis
July 27, 2022, School Board D-2
7:40am- Shawn Overdorf
8:40am- Gene Trent
July 29, 2022- Florida House D-30
7:40am- Robyn Hattaway
8:40am- Chase Tramont
August 1, 2022, Florida house D-34
7:40am- Robert Brackett
8:40am- Karen Hiltz
Candidates, please arrive at our studios by 7:35 or 8:35, depending on your scheduled time. There is no staff in the building to provide access other than me. The show is in a break between 35 and 40 past the hour and I can let you in the studio at that time.
iHeart Radio-Melbourne is located at 1388 S. Babcock Street, Melbourne in the former Florida Marketplace. We are directly across from the Publics plaza at the corner of Babcock and Hibiscus and behind the Marriott Residence Inn.
Best parking and entrance to the studio is on the west side of the building and toward the center of the parking lot. There is a satellite dish on top of the building near the entrance to the mall.
Enter through the glass doors. The studio is at the hallway intersection and to the left.
Thanks again for choosing to run for office. I look forward to speaking with you.