Candidates- Here is your invitation/schedule to talk to us
Is noise part of the NASCAR experience? What if there was no roar of the engines? Would it be the same? We could be finding out. Stock car racing is IN A HANDBASKET this morning as EV racing could become a thing. I'm thinking it would be a thing that nobody wants to watch.
Do you answer robocalls, or even unknown calls to your cell phone? Why? Why not? Does government need to babysit your phone for you?
Is cancel culture killing creativity? Are comedians afraid to be funny? One comic legend says so and I tend to agree with him.
Speaking of comedy, Charlie Crist and Nikki Fried debated yesterday. One of them will get to be the first loser in the November gubernatorial election.
Not so funny is FDOT’s love for Circles of Death and they want another one in Cape Canaveral. The city is trying to fight back, but can the effort succeed?
We’ve invited School Board D-5 candidates to interview on today’s show. Katye Campbell will join us at 7:40am. Her opponent did not bother to reply to our invitation, but we do have some information on her positions that you will find, let’s say, interesting.
Monday begins our interviews in the School Board D-2 race.
Bias and Safety…stupidity the result
Can Cape Canaveral avoid the Circle of Death?
Crist/Fried debate done…who will be the first loser?
BPS may lose County support of athletic fields
Republicans now more trusted with Education
They don’t respect our laws- congress members jailed
VP ignorant of how government works
Biden wants XO’s on climate “crisis”