Bill Mick LIVE

Bill Mick LIVE

Bill’s been a morning staple on the Space Coast since 2001. Call the show at 321.768.1240 weekdays from 6am-9am.Full Bio


BML Friday: Brevard- Political Influence & Shenanigans

Candidates- Here is your invitation to talk to us

As Moms for Liberty hosts their national summit in Tampa we open our day with Schools vs Parents IN A HANDBASKET.

It is election season. It means the politics of politics will play out around us and will, at some times, amaze us with the lack of knowledge of those who believe they understand and can operate successfully in that world. What they don’t know is often astounding. The actions they take can be even more so.

When a sitting office holder doesn’t know that changing his address to another county will change his voter registration, maybe he shouldn’t have been in office in the first place. When a committee that is the official arm of the Republican Party in the county is still fighting the 2020 election it has exactly ZERO leadership or understanding of its job. And when a politically influential sheriff reportedly tries to urge candidates out of other races, is the sheriff’s favored candidate really the juggernaut he claims? And as for those candidates, new to the game, did they correctly interpret the sheriff’s comments? Do they believe the press is their friend in this situation?

The political games are afoot in Brevard County and we’ll talk them this morning on BML. School Board Member Misty Belford would like to keep her job (Lord knows why) and will be with us for today’s interview at 7:40.


Schools against parents



When idiots get elected

Another BREC Bad Decision

The Ivey Influence (King Maker or Power Broker?)



Brevard solid waste hike passed

Does BPS not know decency?



Kristi Noem for president?

Standing up for Clarence Thomas

Starbucks blames local governments for shutdowns

AZ bans close recording of police

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