Glenn Beck was saying something interesting yesterday. He was detailing five points that lead to oppressive governments. One of the five was controlling language- how we communicate with each other and the words that are used. Regardless of where we are headed, we see this in our culture today. Words twisted, definitions changed and those who don’t comply being ridiculed and dismissed. It's even happening in churches. The Church of England is IN A HANDBASKET this morning.
Then, what have we done to ourselves? We adapted through the pandemic and made remote work and meetings prevalent. It’s gone from prevalent to preferred. As employers return to a more normal environment, employees are asserting themselves and fighting to stay home, finding employment that will allow that or even quitting their jobs rather than head back to the office.
In Brevard our schools have dropped a grade or so, the district seems to have trouble understanding decency and the Charter Review Commission has found a way to board member recall in front of voters. Of course, we learn all of this from the media…
And with DAVE DOES HISTORY, it's a common idea today that "we don't trust the media."
There's almost a mantra that this is a relatively new thing, and that no matter what side of the political fence you happen to be ion, the "media" is automatically presumed to be fully serving as a water carrying propaganda arm of the other side.
In recent days, we have seen another story that reignites this debate. Just three days after the Dobbs ruling by the Supreme Court, the Indiana Star reported that women were coming from Ohio for "reproductive care."
Among the patients referred to the Indiana clinic was a 10 year old incest victim.
Or... was there?
Candidates- Here is your invitation to talk to us
Church of England- can’t/won’t define “woman”
Work and THE RONA- what have we done?
BPS go backwards- and they want a tax hike!
BPS- where decency is a struggle
Charter Review finds language for School Board recall