Bill Mick LIVE

Bill Mick LIVE

Bill’s been a morning staple on the Space Coast since 2001. Call the show at 321.768.1240 weekdays from 6am-9am.Full Bio


Mick's Morning News- Thursday

Insurance Companies Under Fire In FL

(Tampa, FL) --State leaders in Florida are calling for an investigation into property insurance companies. According to a recent report, some insurance companies funneled billions-of-dollars in profits to shareholders while claiming to be struggling financially. House Speaker Daniel Perez says the Banking and Insurance Subcommittee will look into the report.

Fire Weather Watch In Effect

(Orlando, FL) -- There's a significant risk of fire across Central Florida today. The National Weather Service has issued a Fire Weather Watch from 11:00 this morning to 7:00 tonight. Critically low humidity with gusty winds will result in elevated fire danger. Humidity could be a low as 25 percent, and winds could reach 20 miles an hour with gusts up to 30 miles an hour. The NWS warns any fire that develops will catch and spread quickly.   

Walton County Man Wins Free Speech Case Over Trump Banners

(Santa Rosa Beach, FL)-- A Walton County man can claim victory in a legal battle over his support for President Trump. Santa Rosa Beach's Marvin Peavy sued the county after he was ordered to take down his Trump banners from his home in 2021. The county claimed the banners violated rules about his property, but he sued the county for infringing on his freedom of speech. News 13 reports a judge yesterday sided with Peavy and ordered the county to pay his legal fees. 

Heart-Attack Rates Climb As The Clocks Spring Forward

(Undated) -- When most Americans move the clocks forward for Daylight Saving Time, hospitals report significant spikes in heart-attack visits on the Monday that follows. That's this coming Monday, after the clocks spring forward this Sunday. The exact reason isn't clear, but experts think the lost hour of sleep plays a big role, disrupting the body's natural rhythm. One way to combat the change is to start going to bed and waking up 15 minutes earlier, two to three days before the change.

Swearing Linked To Increased Pain Tolerance

(Keele, England)-- Swearing is linked to increased pain tolerance. And here's how we know. A 2009 study out of Keele University in England found that people who swear when experiencing pain had not only increased pain tolerance but also a decrease in perceived pain. The researchers carried out other studies over the years showing that using a real swear word showed decreased pain perception but not a made up word. The effect seems to also carry over in other languages. 

Today in History

2021, the U.S. Senate passed the one-point-nine trillion dollar COVID-19 relief bill called the American Rescue Plan.

1857, the U.S. Supreme Court handed down its decision in the Dred Scott case. The court ruled black Americans were not full citizens. The case came about when an escaped slave filed a lawsuit to have himself declared free. 

1836, Mexican General Santa Anna and his army captured the Alamo in San Antonio, Texas, after a 13-day battle. Davy Crockett and Jim Bowie were among the 187 U.S. soldiers killed during the siege.

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