Dave Bowman’s with us for the day and it seems he is intent on picking a fight. While he’s a big fan of baseball’s robo-umps, he’s more of a fan of complaining about the strike zone. He graciously gave us the title for today’s show page.
Where we do agree is on the idea of BREAKING NEWS…and when it’s breaking, there actually is no news. He’s had a similar experience with Sandy Hook as I did with the death of Michael Jackson. Other than those, our experiences were very different when it came to show content. The problem is, unless you’re a talk radio host, you just don’t get it.
We’ll what news we get to, if any. In our third hour Dave brings us the statehood of Florida in Dave Does History.
Here are links to Dave’s content:
Baseball & Breaking News
Some Dems reconsidering their political problems
FL insurers making bank while crying poormouth?
School start times and the legislature