Was COVID a factor in this election? Most certainly! We’ll begin our day with a COVID criminal who’s now a member of the Texas House. Brevard’s Representative Tyler Sirois is now Florida’s House Majority Leader (and, no, he’s not Mitch McConnell).
Glenn Beck had a message to Democrats about MAGA/Trump voters and it was a good one. Do they believe it? Will they even hear it? The anti-Trumpers are getting ready for 2025 and they seem to want a fight. So much for their cries for unity.
Let’s see where a Friday takes us on BML.
From COVID Criminal to the Texas House
The death of mainstream media?
Keeping an eye on the US House
The post-election protests- tame?
Beck’s message to Democrats- a good one
Brevard’s Sirois in House leadership
Orlando violence response: restricting victims, not bad guys
FL congressman blames freedom for Orlando shooting
Orlando rolls back curfew, changes “street party” events
Sentinel decries restricting amendment initiatives (a good idea)