President Trump will resume office in January. The work begins now. Kamala’s conceded and the idea is a smooth transition of power. The Present Elect has jobs to fill and much, much more. We’ll take a look and see what unfolds between now and Inauguration Day as well as the president’s plans for governing.
Suddenly the Justice Department is not interested in pursuing those charges against President Trump relating to the 2020 election. The Lawfare against Trump failed miserably, but one Democratic congressman has blame to lay for the Harris loss and it starts in the left’s mirror.
We’ll begin our day IN A HANDBASKET where college kids and others have somewhere to go to lick their electoral wounds.
Keeping an eye on the US House
Trump’s plans for his next term
Suddenly, the Trump prosecutions don’t matter
More on the Justice Department and Trump prosecutions
D Congressman says far left responsible for Trump win
Orlando violence response: restricting victims, not bad guys
FL congressman blames freedom for Orlando shooting
Sentinel decries restricting amendment initiatives (a good idea)