Just Saturday night, a friend and I were talking at the RLC Constitution Day dinner. His comment was that “they” were going to try and assassinate President Trump again. Then Sunday afternoon happened. “They,” or rather he, did. No, not my friend, but a lone gunman (as far as we know) did not appear to get a shot off, but Secret Service did as they saw his AK-47 muzzle pointing through a chain link fence around the golf course. The Secret Service sniper missed and the gunman fled. He was captured a short time later. We’ll begin our day there.
In other news, Pennsylvania Democrats believe their own are too stupid to vote, one of the ABC moderators of the Trump/Harris debate says fact checking was necessary because Harris, Biden and CNN were incompetent and…we have a Fine circus brewing in Brevard along with a request that the judge step aside in the D-33 contempt matter.
Welcome to Monday.
Another Trump assassination attempt
Suspect arrested after fleeing
Clues from suspect’s social media
DeSantis says FL will investigate the incident
PA Dems believe Dems are too stupid to vote