We’ll close our week looking ahead to football season. I’m wondering why ESPN would kill its pregame show. I’m also wondering why they are inconsistent in how they handle the issues based decisions they make.
The wheels of justice may turn slowly and they may not be turning by those who should be turning them, but they are turning for John Tobia. The D-3 county commissioner is on administrative leave as his employer, Valencia State College investigates his use of Brevard County employees to do his work for the state school. The governor should be looking at this abuse of office and the state attorneys’ offices in Brevard and Volusia should be rightly embarrassed.
A couple of amendments are bringing attention to the November election. Measures on abortion and recreational pot will be decided then. Recent polling says they have not reached the support to pass, but that is far from decided. In addition to that, one so-called Republican is sponsoring a rights restricting measure that would impact more than pot smokers should the amendment pass. There’s a champion of the constitution for you!
Early voting continues today and tomorrow. Election day is Tuesday. Come Tuesday night we’ll know if we dodged the political idiocy of the Brevard primary season.
Another election research tool for you: When did the candidates interview on BML? See the schedule at the following link. The podcasts can be found at the days and times indicated in the ON DEMAND PODCASTS section at the top of the page. The BML candidate interview invitation and schedule
I post my votes in each election to share how and why I vote as I do. I’ve done it since I started in radio. You can find that column here.
Wheels of Justice Turning for Tobia