Federal Judge Rejects Challenges To Florida Union Law
(Tallahassee, FL) -- A federal judge is largely siding with the state of Florida in a legal challenge over a law that placed restrictions on unions. A lawsuit was filed against the legislation last year by unions representing public school and university employees, claiming the changes to membership authorization rules were unconstitutional. The group says another adjustment preventing them from deducting union fees from workers' paychecks will make it more difficult to collect money. The judge mainly ruled in favor of the state, but agreed that the fee issue violated equal protection rights since it doesn't apply to unions representing first responders. That portion of the case is scheduled to go to trial.
Oviedo Considers Raising Water Rates
(Oviedo, FL) -- Some Oviedo residents may get what the mayor calls eye-popping water bills. The city is considering raising water rates to pay for a new 70-million dollar treatment facility. Rates could rise to almost 450 dollars a month by 2027 before falling to just over 200 dollars in 2028. Mayor Megan Sladek says this can be a long-term benefit to residents if they're willing to bite the bullet for a couple years. She also tells Spectrum News 13 she's open to other solutions, and residents need to share their ideas.
Cuba Suspected Of Trying To Influence Local Elections
(Miami, FL) -- Cuba could be trying to influence Miami area elections. The Office of the Director of National Intelligence said yesterday Cuba's government may target candidates in South Florida hostile to leadership in Havana. Officials didn't say which races or candidates are being targeted.
Fisherman Finds Bricks Of Cocaine Off Keys
(Key Largo, FL)-- A fisherman is credited with finding dozens of bricks of cocaine in the Keys. The sheriff's office said yesterday 25 bricks were found near Key Largo Sunday morning. Deputies say the packages were turned over to U.S. Border Patrol.
Today in History
1999, Linda Tripp was charged with illegal wiretapping in Maryland for recording her phone conversations with former White House Intern Monica Lewinsky. Tripp's recordings would later lead to the impeachment of President Clinton who initially lied about his affair with Lewinsky.
1974, the House Judiciary Committee voted 21-17 on the final of three charges of "high crimes and misdemeanors" to impeach President Richard Nixon. Nixon resigned before the issue could come to trial.