Bill Mick LIVE

Bill Mick LIVE

Bill’s been a morning staple on the Space Coast since 2001. Call the show at 321.768.1240 weekdays from 6am-9am.Full Bio


BML Tuesday- Integrity

The BML candidate interview invitation and schedule

Integrity is the foundation of trust. 

We expect integrity from our elected officials and those seeking office. 

We don't always get it. 

Bryan Lober doesn't have it. 

And there are others, maybe more than we think who don't have it. 

Today we begin a discussion where integrity is the central issue for Brevard County. 

As a county commissioner, Bryan Lober committed crimes. Those crimes are being ignored which raises questions of integrity for others in the political sphere. Oh, there will be excuses and blame to be laid, but the bottom line is, if there was integrity in the process and those pursuing justice, this would not be an issue. 

Today we'll explore the Lober saga and its implications for the process and those involved in it. It's a great starting point for where the rest of the week will take us. 

Tomorrow we'll have a call-free Wide Open Wednesday where integrity and the Black Hole of Brevard politics will come into focus. 

We'll have a guest who will lay out substantiated information regarding nefarious behavior being ignored by authorities that raises questions of integrity for far more than the people directly involved. 

We’ll lay it out and you'll make the call. 

Integrity is the foundation. That foundation is laid for us today.


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