The BML candidate interview invitation and schedule
In our final segment today, we’ll talk with Tax Collector Lisa Cullen. Lisa has a primary election to get through in order to keep the job she’s done and done well. Her challenger did not respond to our interview to appear on BML. These constitutional offices are administrative in nature and they take an entirely different skill set than a legislative position.
The signs as you enter Florida now say, “WELCOME TO THE FREE STATE OF FLORIDA.” But how free are we? Comparatively, we’re pretty free. Realistically? Maybe not as much as we like to think. We’ll take a look in today’s In a Handbasket segment.
The county commission had its latest dog and pony show on Tuesday. The lack of leadership is apparent and the politics are thick as we near the primary election.
Let’s see where a Thursday takes us.
It’s not just death certificates
EDC tax breaks back to the ballot
Brevard Firefighters swamp commission meeting
Trump platform and the convention