It’s qualifying day for the primary election. There has been some movement and I’m told there will be more today. The qualifying period ends at noon, so it’ll be Monday before we’ll be able to talk the results. What’s happened so far indicates it’s politics as usual in Brevard. We need to be watchful for just that.Before our day is done we’ll get to a report by Eric Rogers at Florida Today on “ghost candidates” who run as write in candidates to close a primary election that would otherwise be open to all voters. It’s legal, it’s obviously designed to help one candidate or another and denials of that strategy make it simply dishonest. It also locks out about half of eligible voters from casting a vote. When one of those candidates is running for Supervisor of Elections, it makes you wonder why anyone would want a supervisor whose moves to get into office disenfranchise the very people he claims to want to serve. It puts the disgust in Johnus Disgustus.
We’ll begin our day with an odd auto insurance claim that’s made its way into an appeals court. In other court news, Florida and three other states have won a preliminary injunction on the Biden administration’s proposed changes to Title IX.
We’ll look at our political divide with a lying candidate, the American people and pundits on both sides.
Strange Auto Insurance claim in appeals court
FL, others, win Title IX injunction!
Newt, the people and the presidential election