Welcome back from the weekend. We’ll begin today with a couple of follow-ups on items we discussed last week. The Blaze has taken a deeper look into the Ferocious Furries story from Friday. There is more than the school district wants to admit. The NPR story that lasted all week has another twist. It’s not one I would count on for much…at least right now.
The focus has intensified on Brevard Schools’ discipline practices, but it seems they are still looking at the wrong numbers.
Governor DeSantis is getting some credit for his governance of Florida. It’s also being touted as a roadmap for Republican across the country.
The Democrats in DC must really hate President Trump. It’s to the point that they would jeopardize his life if they get the chance.
Trump’s counterpart, President Biden, is staying consistent on his nutjob environmental agenda. He’s using his pen to kill jobs and the economy just like he did on day one in office.
BPS discipline a focus, but focused correctly?