I was good to see the crowd at the Federated Republican Women’s Red Wave dinner Saturday evening. The enthusiastic party activists warmly welcomed Congressman Bill Posey, Senator Tom Wright and keynote speaker Secretary of State Cord Byrd. Property Appraiser Dana Blickley was the Mistress of Ceremonies (which led to an Elvira costume discussion pre-event). Local officials attending included Tax Collector Lisa Cullen and Supervisor of Elections Tim Bobanic, of whom Byrd was effusive in his praise for Brevard’s election operations. I was invited to speak briefly and today’s headline was the topic of my remarks. It is time to have the talk with those around us and for us to honestly evaluate those we are and have elected. We’ll hit this more in our 7am hour.
Our day opens with more technology. McDonalds had an outage last week that cost them significant business. Dollar General is having merchandise walk out the door at no charge thanks to self-checkout. Have we become so technology dependent that we can’t perform simple tasks? Should an outage of tech stop us from conducting our lives?
Kyle Rittenhouse is making a college campus speaking tour. You can imagine the reaction. Apparently both sides of an issue are no longer important.
Have you heard of “community IDs?” I had not, until now. The state is acting to limit their impact. It’s not like government ID is hard to obtain, so why have these at all?
SOE Tim Bobanic will join us at 7:42 as tomorrow is Presidential Primary Election Day. We’ll get a look at early and mail voting as well as have reminders if you are going to the polls tomorrow.
McD’s and tech outage- too dependent?
Dollar General dropping self-checkout
The Rittenhouse tour- you can guess the reaction
Supremes and Government v free speech case