It’s the season of Lent. Not something I know a lot about. I did not grow with practices like giving up something between Fat Tuesday and Easter or Ash Wednesday. But I know enough to realize that mocking people for their beliefs and practices is not wise. It’s not so at our colleges these days.
Orange County has fired the lobbyist we discussed on Thursday’s show. The conflict of interest appears clear to most of us. It’s funny that it did not come to mind for the lobbyist or the Senator that worked against the interests of their region. Funny’s not the right word. Sad is the word.
Fani Willis had a meltdown on the stand yesterday. Apparently the unhinged are the folks chasing Donald Trump.
WV Senator Joe Manchin was asked about a hypothetical third-party run for the presidency and potential running mates. Mitt Romney was mentioned and I was thinking that would make Manchin look like the conservative on the ticket.
Our begins In a Handbasket where PETA has a new target to prevent animal cruelty…and there are no animals involved.
We have some deadlines coming up for the Florida Presidential Primary. Supervisor of Elections Tim Bobanic joins us to close the show with that information.
PETA: Merry-Go-Rounds in the target zone
Orange County fires lobbyist- conflict of interest cited
Fani’s folly- the courtroom meltdown