We’ll dabble in the surveillance world in which we live as we open the day. RING, the doorbell camera arm of Amazon, says they won’t allow for police requests of video recorded on your camera. It has been requestable in the past. Now a warrant would be necessary and I’m OK with that. I’m disappointed that Volusia County Sheriff Mike Chitwood would advocate for unfettered access to your camera information. The constitution means little to Chitwood.
Which leads us to our next topic- Republican tyranny. I said last week on the show that a Republican version of tyranny is no better than the Democrats’. Now, we see it in play. We have a lack of understanding on the part of some party leaders. How they ever got in power, I don’t know. It’s contrary to the very principles that draw us together. Which also leads us to the integrity issue we see all too often.
In hour three, Representative Tyler Sirois is back with us to share this week in Tallahassee.
RING won’t allow police footage requests
Chitwood on the wrong side of the debate