Passions. We all have them. They may vary from person to person or issue to issue, but they are there. The question is: can we control them? For some that answer is no. It becomes a problem when the passionate rhetoric is at a public meeting and even more so when it’s an official making the statement. Such in the case with Brevard’s school board. Recently, they asked a well-tempered frond of mine, attorney Kendall Moore, to speak to them about their ability to communicate and be effective. Moore knows all about effective communication and his advice could serve them well, if the board can heed it.
NBC has reported the chances of a military coup if Donald Trump is reelected to the presidency. I’m wondering if we didn’t already have one of sorts in his first term. The head of JP Morgan Chase has a cautionary word for the Democratic Party in this election year. I believe Republicans would be well served to pay attention to it as well.
We’ll begin our day IN A HANDBASKET where we are suspending reality and the practice of medicine with any common sense. From there we’ll move to being targeted by the government for what you believe and how you shop.
Welcome to Thursday.
Suspending medicine (and those who practice it properly)
Brevard’s School Board- learning to get along?