Florida Ranks Third In Human Trafficking Cases
(Tallahassee, FL) -- Florida organizations are sounding the alarm as the state investigates one of the highest numbers of human trafficking cases in the nation. Florida Alliance to End Human Trafficking says the state ranked third in the country. Children's Home Society of Florida says the I-10 corridor is a dangerous area where young victims could be kidnapped, especially at rest areas. Officials are asking anyone who sees something suspicious to say something to contact police.
Citrus Industry Kicks Off New Year Unchanged
(Tallahassee, FL) -- Florida's citrus industry is remaining steady as it tries to recover from last year's decline. The latest report from the U.S. Department of Agriculture shows the state's orange, grapefruit, and specialty crops are the same as last month's projections for the 2023-24 season. The operation took a major hit last season due to hurricanes and a disease known as citrus greening. To help with agriculture concerns, state lawmakers will discuss how much they want to invest into the industry during the current legislative session. The proposed budget up for negotiation would include nearly 50-million dollars for citrus protection and research.
Melbourne Mayor Discusses Train Safety
(Melbourne, FL)-- A mayor in Brevard County is in shock after a couple deadly train crashes. That's what Melbourne Mayor Paul Alfrey said recently after three people were killed in separate crashes last week. He says it's very concerning, and the city council will discuss possible solutions at next week's meeting. One possibility is more crossing arms. Right now, the crossing where both crashes happened has just one arm on each side, but Alfrey says more crossing arms may be necessary. He tells Fox 35 News it's unacceptable for deadly crashes to become the new normal.
MDPD Announces Results Of Weekend Safety Initiative
(Miami, FL) -- Miami-Dade Police are sharing what they call tremendous results from the Weekend Safety Initiative. The MDPD increased patrols this weekend for the Wheels Up, Guns Down MLK Rideout. Every year during Martin Luther King, Jr. weekend, people illegally ride bicycles, dirt bikes and ATVs on local roads. Police yesterday announced over 150 people were arrested, almost 80 vehicles and 25 guns were impounded and 16 stolen vehicles were recovered.
Broward County Man To Launch Mass-Shooting Helpline
(Davie, FL) -- A Broward County man who runs homeless shelters across the state has a new idea to prevent mass shootings. Davie's Sean Cononie [[kuh-NO-nee]] plans to announce the details this week of a new helpline he's starting for those thinking of carrying out a mass shooting. It'll work like a suicide prevention hotline where potential shooters can call to get help. He says mass shooters tend to be suicidal, so if people call for suicides, they may call for this, too. Cononie tells the South Florida Sun Sentinel if he can get dangerous guns out of the hands of four or five people a year, he'll be happy.
Hell, Michigan Freezing Over After Lions Win
(Hell, Michigan)-- You could say hell is freezing over in Michigan. After the Detroit Lions beat the L.A. Rams this past weekend, the newspaper posted a screenshot of the temperature in the town of Hell, Michigan, with the words "Confirmed: Hell froze over. "It was minus-three-degrees at the end of the game. It was the first time in 32-years that the Lions had a playoff win.
UW-Milwaukee Student Helped By Jordan Love
(De Pere, WI) -- A UW-Milwaukee student is internet famous for getting her car stuck in the snow. Lucy Kurowski got all kinds of attention over the weekend because Green Bay Packers quarterback, Jordan Love, tried to help get her car out of a snowbank in De Pere. She was home visiting family when she got stuck. Love noticed her predicament, and started to push her car. But Kurowski said she stopped him, saying 'you have a big game this weekend. Eventually Kurowski got her car out, and even got a selfie with Love to remember the day by.
Today in History
1991, Operation Desert Storm began when United States and allied military forces launched air raids on Iraq. The attack was an effort to drive Iraqi forces out of Kuwait.
1883, the United States Civil Service Commission was established.