Our day opens IN A HANDBASKET where driverless shuttles have disappeared from Orlando area streets. A- who knew they had them? And B- why are they gone?
It’s interesting to see the story of Brevard politicians fighting each other in the public eye, or trying not to, it seems. The D-33 Representative is featured in a Florida Today story about the ongoing battle between him and School Board member Jennifer (JJ DYNAMITE) Jenkins. Apparently our brave representative was caught on video playing Duck & Cover as process servers were trying to deliver a subpoena to him in the ongoing saga. I guess there’s nothing like standing up and facing things like a man…at least not in the D-33 office.
Colorado has provided Republicans with a conundrum. If the CO Supreme Court ruling stands and Donald Trump is left off the Primary Election ballot, the CO GOP says it will switch to a caucus system to select its nominee. But will that work? And if it does, will that same court decide that Trump may not appear on the General Election ballot in November? As we said yesterday, this could shake our nation to its core.
Representative Tyler Sirois will join us in our 8am hour to discuss the upcoming legislative session and what committee weeks have brought to the table for lawmakers.
Orlando’s driverless shuttles…where’d they go?
Rep. Tyler Sirois-
Pronoun Police- What are we doing?
Pronoun bill in play for legislative session