The day is yours. Any topic, any time you call. It’s what Wide Open Wednesday is all about. I’ll not hit every topic that interests you. This is your one day each week to take us to what you want to discuss. So what is it?
For me it’s the irony of a left leaning company like Starbucks suing a labor union representing its workers, even though it’s for good reason. Then there’s Bill Maher taking on his friends on the left for supporting terrorism.
Tom Cotton wants foreign Hamas supporters in the USA deported. I agree with him.
We have a column with insights as to why college just isn’t what it used to be and an example of one with its head in the sand.
In congress, Jim Jordan fell short on the first ballot to be Speaker. That was not unexpected, in fact, it shows promise, if you ask me.
Here in the Sunshine State, the Agriculture Commissioner wants to free up restrictions on certain jobs when it comes to carrying firearms. The state also has come up with a standardized school safety model that will be mandatory at the first of the year.
The question of the day remains…what’s on your mind?
Starbucks considers suing union
Maher on backing Palestinian terror
Cotton wants Hamas supporting foreigners deported
College ain’t what it used to be
Jordan falls short on first ballot
Ag Commissioner wants to lift weapon restriction