Each day Bill records a MICKnugget, a one-minute take on some issue that got his attention that morning. Below are the scripts for last week’s NUGGETS.
CLICK HERE if you’d like to hear them. Here are the scripts:
10.09.23- Frantic Financials
We learned in Research & Reality today that ¾ of adults with student loans are concerned about being able to repay them now that the payments have been resumed.
While many are talking reducing spending for luxury items or entertainment, 26% say they’ll definitely miss payments, a third say they probably will and nearly half are worried about defaulting. They also have other debt that puts their creditworthiness in question.
On the other end is a Los Angeles homeowner with a guest house he uses as an Airbnb. His tenant hasn’t paid rent in 17 months and he can’t evict her.
He failed to get a permit for remodeling work and his standing to evict is erased by not having done so.
We’ve gone stupid in America by government intervention where it should not exist.
Until voters elect better leaders, it appears we are stuck on stupid.
10.10.23- In Search Of…
My goal for upcoming elections, as it has been forever, is a candidate of integrity. Not just in one race, but in all races.
I could stomach a candidate who disagrees with me and is honest about it much better than one who claims to agree with me and doesn’t hold to the standard.
In all elections we should be in search of integrity.
Once such candidate has bowed out the State Attorney race in the 18th Judicial Circuit.
Phil Archer is retiring and a former assistant in his office, Chris Cusmano had announced, but has since withdrawn. He has an Army National Guard deployment in his future. That’s too bad.
Cusmano has stood up for integrity in the State’s Attorney’s Office when the office itself hadn’t.
I’ll miss having that in the campaign. We’ll see what we get in his place.
10.11.23- Israel and Us
Wide Open Wednesday was caller driven and Israel was on our callers’ minds.
The Hamas attacks on Israel were brutal, evil and beyond what most of us are seeing in the news.
Israel’s response will be thorough and decisive. It should be.
The conversation turned to our borders and how many thousands of “special interest aliens,” those who give cause for great concern, have been captured trying to enter the US.
More important is the many who were not caught. What havoc could they bring upon the country, and how ready are we to handle it?
We discussed self-defense and being able to handle a violent attack. That takes training and being prepared anywhere.
Our world is a dangerous place and if we are not ready to defend ourselves, we are simply victims in waiting.
They Boy Scout motto is be prepared. Sounds like good advice.
10.12.23- Untrustworthy
Untrustworthy- we’re talking about the Brevard County Commission.
Tuesday, the commission reversed a previous decision that had removed half a million dollars of arts funding from the budget.
They put that money back in and worse, did not eliminate funding they had said that money was supposedly going to be used for.
It appears the County Commission thinks we are made of money.
The summer pattern for the commission has been to make big, splashy announcements only to walk them back weeks or months later.
You can’t trust any decision this commission makes and, apparently, the commissioners that are making them.
As a whole, this commission is ungrounded and goes whichever way the wind blows or caves to the side applying the most pressure.
That’s no way to manage a government.
10.13.23- Trump Wins!
Donald Trump has won the Republican primary for President of the United States, at least according to political scientist Chris Muro.
Chris spent Friday’s 8am hour with us on BML. He says all indications are that Trump’s lead is insurmountable, and he will be the nominee.
Will he be reelected to the presidency? That remains to be seen with several factors in play.
Chris also discussed Governor DeSantis, his campaign and recent actions regarding Israel and more.
We talked the House of Representatives and elections around the country that could impact 2024.
The County Commission’s lack of leadership or conservative actions was also in play.
If you missed Chris’ insights on Friday, pick them up at BillMick.com or on the BML iHeart Radio channel.
We’ll talk again Monday.