Each day Bill records a MICKnugget, a one-minute take on some issue that got his attention that morning. Below are the scripts for last week’s NUGGETS.
CLICK HERE if you’d like to hear them. Here are the scripts:
09.25.23- Changing Education
The landscape of education has been changing. That’s largely due to the efforts of Moms for Liberty and their actions across the country since their inception less than 3 years ago.
The Brevard Chapter of M4L recently donated pocket constitutions to our schools for middle school students.
Detractors actually complained that this group, advocating for the education of our kids, was disingenuous because they pushed for inappropriate materials to be removed from those same schools.
Comparing Brevard School Library Porn to our nation’s constitution is plain stupid. It’s an invalid comparison and shows that the opposition is simply anti-anything but their own agenda which is not about actual education at all.
One retired teacher even said if she had the constitutions delivered to her classroom, she’d throw them in the trash.
And why not? Her union did that decades ago!
09.26.23- The REAL Debate
Finally, we are going to have a real debate; and I’m not talking about the Republican primary candidates tomorrow night.
No, this debate has the potential for real issues with two men who have vastly different views of governing. In fact, they are both governors of very different states.
CA Gov. Gavin Newson and our Ron DeSantis will face off at 9pm on Thursday, November 30th with Fox’s Sean Hannity as the moderator.
Hannity promises a substantive debate. I hope that’s what he delivers.
There are extreme differences in how our states are managed and I have experienced both. I prefer Florida by far.
And this actually could improve DeSantis’ standing among the other presidential hopefuls.
A debate with actual issues instead of too many people with bullet points?
Yeah, I’ll take it, if we can get it.
09.27.23- The Stuff Life’s Made Of
Plastic is the stuff life’s made of. Look around you and see just how much plastic and other oil-based products are in the everyday items we use.
Yet, the ESG initiatives that have been forced on manufacturers are actually anti-business measures that are costly and make the products something less than they were.
Our example today was Legos. In 2018 Lego announced they’d comply with the ESG desires and seek an alternative to the plastic that makes up their blocks.
In 2021 they said they’d found it, sort of. They’d use recycled plastic. They spent $1.2b in an effort to do so.
It failed and produced even more pollution than before. Oops! And the blocks were not the same quality.
A false environmental claim and an agenda to hurt business just won’t work.
Jimmy Stewart’s childhood pal in IT’S A WONDERFUL LIFE knew plastic was the future.
It still is.
09.28.23- Saying It Out Loud
Congratulations to British Home Secretary Suella Braverman for daring to say the cold, hard truth out loud that multiculturalism is a failure.
It’s not a popular mantra across much of the world, but facts are facts, and someone needs to say them.
She compared our southern border to what’s happened in Europe. England, France and Italy have experienced an influx of migrants who refuse to integrate into the existing culture, instead creating parallel cultures in those nations.
She notes that multiculturalism makes no demands of the incomer to integrate and that results in a diluted culture that is less than it was before.
Legal immigration relies on integration to blend the migrant into the culture as opposed to changing it to something else.
Someone had to say it, I’m glad Braverman did.
Can she get an amen?
09.29.23- If the Idea is From the Left
In 2011 Florida passed a law requiring welfare recipients to be drug tested.
It lasted four months. A court overturned the law and that was affirmed by an appellate court to violate the fourth amendment.
Now, 12 years later, San Francisco’s mayor is proposing the same for the city plagued by drug use, homelessness and crime.
It sounds like a good idea, but if it’s good now, why was it not good when passed by the Florida Legislature?
San Francisco, a beautiful city, has become a place you don’t want to go because of the problems there.
The mayor’s proposal is reactive. Florida’s was preventive.
So, we have to wait for the problem to manifest before taking any measures to stop it? That doesn’t make sense.
Or maybe it’s simpler than that…the idea is ok only when the left can take ownership it.
So much for that ounce of prevention idea…