We saw an excellent example this past week of citizen activism and its effectiveness when properly executed.You’ll now have sample ballots in Brevard County because of it. The county commission, in what would appear to be an abuse of power and an attempt to help one member vie for the Supervisor of Elections job, tried to limit information to Brevard voters in the form of these valuable tools for voting.In our 8am hour today SOE Tim Bobanic will join us to give us his perspectives on the events that led up to the commission’s reversal and where we go from here.
We’ll begin with a follow-up to yesterday’s IN A HANDBASKET story. Gambling has its dirty hands in the NFL and what happened with Rams’ coach Sean McVey is the confirmation.
Speaking of citizen activism- Moms for Liberty is the poster child for effective activist groups. M4L now has a campaign kit for school board candidates.I’m sure it can be helpful to candidates for other offices, as well. M4L is in this for the long haul and we’re glad that they are.
On the national scene, the FBI has a problem with handling informants and coordinating investigations.President Trump is outplaying the Democrats with the working man. When Trump skips the next primary debate he’ll be in Detroit talking to striking autoworkers.AG Garland is not good at the political game. He’s worse at testifying to congress.
Follow-up- the integrity of the game
Commission Exposed- Sample Ballot $ Returned to SOE Budget
The FBI & January 6 informants