Each day Bill records a MICKnugget, a one-minute take on some issue that got his attention that morning. Below are the scripts for last week’s NUGGETS.
CLICK HERE if you’d like to hear them. Here are the scripts:
08.21.23- Boys Will Be Boys
Boys will be boys. The problem may be that we now expect them not to. At least, some people feel that way.
That’s landed the Viera High Football program in hot water. How hot? The program and its head coach are suspended indefinitely because of locker room humor.
Last week, players were horseplaying in what has been described as “simulated sex acts” (because that gets the negative attention the naysayers want).
It was videoed and posted online by other players. And the social media outrage mob went nuts.
Reacting to the outrage the district acted prematurely and suspended the entire program until further notice.
The team will be required to undergo an anti-hazing program before there is any chance for the team to resume preparation or the season.
Boys will be boys, right up till we won’t allow them to be.
08.22.23- Where are Viera Leaders?
I have a question on the Viera High Football incident.
Where are the leaders?
The sheriff says to withhold judgment until the facts are determined. I’m OK with that.
But he also says the investigation will be forwarded to the State’s Attorney. I’m not so OK with that.
This is a situation that has been ongoing in high school locker rooms for generations. It’s been handled successfully, in-house, in most of those situations.
The Superintendent has suspended all football operations until it’s all settled and the team goes to reeducation camp. I’m not OK with that.
Step up, determine the seriousness of the incident and handle this in-house. IF there is criminal behavior, then forward to the State’s Attorney.
And mainly, stop letting social media outrage drive your decisions.
You have jobs to do…just go do them!
08.23.23- Equitable Grading???
One Portland school district is implementing what they call “equitable grading.” What is it?
It’s a practice that requires teachers to accept late work with no penalty and not give students zeros on assignments for any reason. The minimum grade they may award is 50%.
That applies even if the student doesn’t do the work or cheats.
While we thought that was bad enough, we learned on Wednesday’s show that Brevard has a similar program.
The minimum grade is 39% and there is zero tolerance for zeros in grading.
We are not doing our kids justice with this system; we are harming their ability to have a successful work life.
While in Portland they won’t account for attendance, performance, effort, attitude or behavior, you can bet these kids’ employers will!
We need to fix this and fast.
08.24.23- Stupid City Tricks
Monday it was Chicago with the dumb idea to ask criminals to have a cease fire between 9am and 9pm so the non-criminal element could safely go about their daily lives.
Today, Seattle is starting an over/under pool of when their first social worker is killed.
Seattle will no longer send police to calls where the subject is in a “mental crisis.” No, they’re sending unarmed social workers instead.
Now there’s a recipe for disaster.
When the situation has escalated to where family can’t handle it, or get the person to the help they need, it’s likely already volatile.
These cases are dangerous for all involved and adding another person who can’t handle it when goes violent only makes it worse.
These cities need to get off the defund the police bandwagon and support their cops in doing the job they signed up for.
Otherwise, I’ll take the under on when we have dead social workers.
08.25.23- Brevard’s Dirty Politics
A bevy of Friday stories pointed to the mess that is Brevard’s political scene.
A former Deputy Mayor of West Melbourne dodged jail, but not responsibility for his shenanigans with money and an alleged charity organization he headed. And that’s not the worst we’ve seen from West Melbourne.
In what many see as misuse of tax dollars, Brevard’s cultural community is shaken and wondering where the golden goose went as the county commission voted to end the Cultural Alliance’s contract to funnel money to arts organizations and events.
In a related note, a hotel group is seeking a ton of those tourist tax funds for one private resort in Cocoa Beach.
There are two problems here, maybe more. First, greed. Tax dollars are seen as Monopoly money and nobody really follows the flow.
Second, we elect people who are ethically challenged.
It’s good to see change, but we must be watchful. There is always someone with a hand in your pocket.