If you can think of it, it’s in play on today’s BML.From local high school football to the return of stupid COVID ideas anything is up for grabs on today’s show.We’ve got Target blaming you for its bad decisions, a horrible idea in education, tonight’s Republican candidate debate, a good idea on Brevard tax dollar use and more.
It’s WIDE OPEN WEDNESDAY so where we go is up to you.What do you like for the day?
Target blames PRIDE reaction for sales decline (but not the decision?)
Killing education: no penalties or zeroes even for cheating
A 3rd party wrench in the works?
Viera forfeits Friday night’s game
Football practice to resume today
Brevard Cultural Alliance funding gone
Brevard Commission debates Future of Brevard Cultural Alliance
Brevard’s dependent cultural class
Legal is not the same as ethical
Melbourne bank robbery attempt
FL law barring Chinese land purchases upheld for now
Challenge to FL Election law tossed out
Orlando suspends first after-midnight liquor permit
FL education leads the way (thanks, M4L)
Escambia County fighting publisher lawsuit over school books
Guys out of Women’s Power Lifting
When teachers teach kids to stay home