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Here’s a recap of the week…
BML Monday: Rainbows & Reeducation
…Snow White not rescued his time around
Welcome to our talk week. From news and history to the social issues and politics surrounding us, we’ll kick it all around in our mornings together on WMMB.
Today we’ll begin with more product blowback as Skittles has decided playing in culture wars is somehow a good idea.Following that up we’ll see a court ordering lawyers to brush up on the first amendment after Southwest Airline’s blunder with a flight attendant.
It seems Disney movies can’t stick to the story. Rewriting, recasting and reimagining storylines are the rules of the day. The stars of said movies can’t just shut up and act, either.
What do you think about a special prosecutor being appointed in the Hunter Biden case? One CBS reporter seems to get it. And then a Florida congressman has filed articles of impeachment against President Biden. Is it about time, too soon or too little, too late?
Locally, West Melbourne Mayor Hal Rose bought a house in Viera, sold his home in West Melbourne and was
set to resign from the job. Not so fast.He’s now rented a residence in the city and says he’s staying on. As you may expect, some on council are not happy and fertilizer is hitting the fan.Ustaville has always had its share of political drama and this is no different.
BML Tuesday: Movies, Indictments & Diversions
Dave Bowman’s back with us in today’s 8am hour as we take a look at the end of WWII. For most of us, dropping a couple of nukes on the Empire put an end to the war. It did, but getting there was something else.
Our day begins IN A HANDBASKET where another Disney movie is getting attention for all the wrong reasons. What happens when even the government can’t keep its employees safe at work? It tells its San Francisco employees to work from home.
President Trump has been indicted yet again. This time it’s in Georgia and President Trump has responded as you’d think he would.
The Hunter Biden problems were around long before the 2020 election and it appears the fox was looking out for the other foxes in the henhouse. The delay in the Hunter criminal case is on and his lawyers are trying to evoke the rejected plea agreement.
Locally, and likely for tomorrow’s WIDE OPEN WEDNESDAY, The TDC tax sure brings out the greed of those it’s intended to help.When should elected officials be allowed to lobby? This is where we’ll again remind you that legal and ethical are two very different things. One Brevard county commissioner is in the middle of this one.
…what’s on your mind today?
Freedom of speech is on my mind today. An ESPN reporter is out and wants to speak her mind more freely. Republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy certainly seems to get the concept. Big Tech and some in government certainly don’t.
The FBI also has my attention. A former agent has entered a guilty plea to his involvement in the Russiagate conspiracy. On the other hand, agents were stonewalled in the Hunter Biden investigation as his father was becoming President.
Florida changed the law regarding lobbying after government service. The law has been challenged and it’s a good time to remind ourselves that legal and ethical are two very different things. I have never been a fan of the TDC tax. This is something an association of hotels, restaurants and entertainment venues could have done in an association without involving government.The greed is strong in this group.
With all that said, today is about what’s on your mind.WIDE OPEN WEDNESDAY lets you bring up anything you like when you call the show today. What’s it going to be?
BML Thursday & Friday
…Pags sitting in
With family in town, I’ll be taking a long weekend.Joe Pags will cover our mornings.
We’ll get back to the conversation on Monday.