Today we look at reversals. We closed last week with a couple of news stories where digging in kept compromise from happening. It’s interesting to see what can happen when a discussion is had instead of posturing.
The M4L event in Huntsville, AL was held in the library that had scheduled, cancelled and then rescheduled the event.
The Florida Department of Education started listening, it seems. Those AP psychology courses will be allowed in our high schools.
In New York mayhem happened. It started over a social media personality promising a giveaway of a gaming platform. Thousands showed up to the park and violence ensued. The guy knew how to draw a crowd. He also got arrested.
I had noticed that my new dishwasher took much longer than the old to wash the dishes. And while I didn’t spend a lot of time thinking about it, it did seem odd that newer technology would slow the process down. Now I see the reason- Joe Biden.
Welcome to our talk week.
AL library reschedules M4L event
AL police stop disruption of event
NY event nets injuries/arrests
Your AC and more, targets of Biden environment agenda
Government running your life with regulation