Each day Bill records a MICKnugget, a one-minute take on some issue that got his attention that morning. Below are the scripts for last week’s NUGGETS.
CLICK HERE if you’d like to hear them. Here are the scripts:
07.17.23- Where is Ritch Workman When we Need Him?
I miss my friend Ritch Workman being in the Florida legislature. We didn’t always agree, but Ritch was straight up with us.
Remember Ritch’s Dwarf Employment Freedom Act? That’s my name for it. It was the idea that Florida law banning Dwarf Tossing, Bowling, etc. is wrong.
Ritch had the right idea- personal freedom and responsibility for the individual. The law took that away.
Ritch’s idea was based in conservative principles.
Disney, naturally, is going the other way. To protect the feelings of dwarves, it has changed Snow White so the dwarves are not little people, but made of various statures, races and genders. Oh, and they appropriate white culture as the lead role is played by a Hispanic woman.
Political correctness harms the very people and cultures is claims to help.
It’s a lot like BREC claiming conservatism when advocating for big government.
Maybe Bob Iger is running BREC these days?
07.18.23- Step One: Learn the Game
I’ve seen people of all political stripes make the same mistake: run for unattainable office in their first ever political engagement.
Republicans, Democrats, Libertarians, NPA’s, they all do it, and it’s happening again. It happens every political season.
A would-be candidate wakes up, has a cup of coffee and decides they are God’s gift to politics. They are too stupid or arrogant to see that, no, they are not.
I’ve had them approach me through the years, supposedly seeking advice on this initial run, only to ignore what they did not want to hear- get seasoned before you do this.
You want your mechanic, doctor, lawyer, financial advisor or anyone else to have a grasp of the task at hand before they work for you.
Why would it be any different for your elected officials? Yet, every election we see it.
No, you are not God’s gift to politics.
Please, go buy a clue before you run.
07.19.23- Want to Be My Friend?
Would you like to be my friend? I’m talking about the social media kind.
If you want to be my friend on social media, send the request. If it looks like you are a legit person, I’ll accept the request.
If you’re a business or have some whacked out nickname, sorry, but no. There is a business element to even my personal social media.
And if you’re a political candidate and the first time I see a friend request from you is once you are a candidate, the answer is absolutely no.
Such a blatantly transparent move as a candidate is insulting to me and to my friends on social media.
You didn’t care to friend me before you became a candidate? It’s because you saw no value in me or my friends until you became a candidate.
My business has an answer for that: political ads. My friendship is not about your campaign.
Now, go learn something.
07.20.23- Old Trump-New Trick
Old Trump- New Trick.
In 2020 President Trump and some of his allies encouraged Republicans to not vote early or by mail, insinuating the methods would result in fraud or their votes not counting. Len Wood even advised Georgians not to vote.
Both were stupid moves and likely led to the president’s loss in that election.
The president has learned a lesson, it seems. Trump is now encouraging early and mail ballots and even ballot harvesting where it’s legal.
So is the Republican Party nationally.
That’s a smart move. You don’t go to build a house without all of the tools necessary. You don’t fail to use grenades in war just because you may not like them. Your opponent will be using all the tools; you must as well, or you lose.
It's that simple and it’s about time the Republicans got beyond 2020 and back into reality.
07.21.23- Don’t be a Poser
There is a path. It leads to better government, no matter the office. It’s been clearly marked by Moms for Liberty.
It begins with a solid conservative foundation and continues through educating yourself on the issues and learning how to present them to the right places to be effective.
For officials, it means actually possessing and believing in those principles and living them every day. Otherwise, they aren’t principles at all, they’re props.
The job falls to the electorate to determine which officials hold up to those standards.
So few of them actually do. When the politics matter more than the principles someone’s gone astray.
We either correct them or replace them. That’s not an easy task, but it’s an essential one. The last thing we need is to let things slide.
What we need are principled leaders, not posers. We’ve seen enough of that.