Bill Mick LIVE

Bill Mick LIVE

Bill’s been a morning staple on the Space Coast since 2001. Call the show at 321.768.1240 weekdays from 6am-9am.Full Bio


Mick's Morning News- Monday

Possible Bank Robber Surrenders

(Miami, FL)-- A suspect is in custody after taking a customer hostage during a possible Miami bank robbery. The incident happened Friday morning at a downtown Bank of America. Miami Police say a suspect who was holding an elderly woman hostage was taken into custody at the scene. Police say a lieutenant was able to talk the gunman into releasing the woman and surrendering.

Brevard County Man Arrested For Arranging Sex With Underage Girl

(Cocoa Beach, FL)--  A Brevard County man is accused of traveling to Volusia County to meet an underage girl for sex. The Volusia County Sheriff's Office says Cocoa Beach's Brandon Donato was arrested Saturday in Deltona. Deputies say the 29-year-old was expecting to meet a 12-year-old girl, but instead, he met an undercover detective. Donato had apparently met the girl twice before, but the girl's family contacted deputies on Friday when they found out about the relationship. Deputies say Donato met the girl by posing as a 17-year-old boy on an app called Wink. 

Officials Release More Information On Friday's Train Derailment

(Lakeland, FL)-- Authorities are releasing more information about Friday evening's Amtrak train crash and derailment in Lakeland, Florida. Officials say it happened around 7 p.m. when a semi tractor-trailer loaded with seven vehicles got blocked by crossing arms while trying to make it over the tracks. Moments later an Amtrak train with 173 people aboard was approaching the crossing at a high rate of speed. The driver and a passenger in the semi reportedly jumped out of the vehicle moments before the crash -- causing the train to derail. Eight people were hospitalized.

Largest Python Nest Ever Found In Everglades

(Tallahassee, FL)-- Snake hunters in the Everglades have found the largest nest of pythons ever recorded in Florida history. The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission says the large snakes were found earlier this month in the Everglades west of Miami, and removed from the environment to help protect the native wildlife. Among the snakes was a Burmese python nearly 14-feet long and a nest with over 100 eggs. The Burmese python is considered an invasive species in Florida and can be killed without a license.

486-legged Creature Discovered in Southern California Park

(Los Angeles, CA)-- A ferocious-looking creature with a lot of teeth and four-hundred-86 legs has been discovered in Southern California. The newly named Los Angeles Thread Millipede is white with a green tint, translucent, has a frightening-shaped head, and glows in the dark.Scientists say there is nothing to worry about. It is as thin as a piece of sewing thread and about an inch long. They live in the soil, weaving around and looking for food.The newly discovered invertebrate is related to lobsters and joins 12-thousand other millipede species that were previously known to scientists.


2011, Florida mother Casey Anthony was released from prison. Anthony received a four-year prison sentence for providing false statements to police, but was acquitted on murder charges related to the death of her two-year-old daughter Caylee three years earlier. Casey was given credit for time served as she awaited her murder trial. 

1984, the U.S. passed the National Minimum Drinking Age Act, prohibiting those under the age of 21 from buying or possessing alcohol.

1955, Disneyland opened in Anaheim, California.

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