Bill Mick LIVE

Bill Mick LIVE

Bill’s been a morning staple on the Space Coast since 2001. Call the show at 321.768.1240 weekdays from 6am-9am.Full Bio


BML Thursday: They’re Watching You!

The City of Melbourne is installing cameras downtown (aka: Little Baltimore) hoping to ward off crime. The idea is that criminals will avoid the area for fear of being caught. They are also talking about implementing new regulations on bars and clubs when it comes to alcohol sales and entertainment. In other words, Little Baltimore is trying to become Little Orlando.

AI is bringing concerns to the creative community. Comedian Sarah Silverman is suing one AI company for using her copyrighted material in the AI’s “creative” efforts. One company is calling for regulations to protect content creators from having their material infringed by the technology.

Business Insider gives us an example of what Republican presidential contenders can expect from a media that does not care for their politics. Governor Ron DeSantis is in their crosshairs.

In a surprise move, Federal Judge Mark walker has ruled in favor of parts of Florida’s elections law regarding 3rd party voter registration efforts.

We’ll open our day looking at the skies as one congressman who has seen classified materials says aliens must not be a danger to us else they would have already taken over…based on what he has seen! It makes you wonder, just what has he seen?

John Torres will join us in our 8am hour as the newspaper man has now become a playwright. 





They are watching you

AI and a creator’s content

Business Insider had bad info, runs with DeSantis hit piece

Parts of Elections Law upheld

GOA sues ATF over Zero Tolerance

Education whining over post-COVID learning loss it has created

Congress dabbling in elections

The Supremes- a declaration of restraint



BPS fills new positions

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