Remember the University of Cincinnati professor who was disciplined for not allowing a student to use the term biological woman? The school is backtracking on that discipline. I guess it should come as no surprise, but it is disappointing.
Is the New York Times owned by Gannett or just acting like it? In a (if not THE) major sports market in the country, you’d think a newspaper’s sports section would be a huge draw. You can think what you like, but there are sports reporters looking for work.
It’s as if normal is to be shunned.You know, normal- the average, typical nuclear family: mom, dad, house kids, dog, picket fence normal.Attacking that idea seems strange.That’s because it is strange.Yet, that’s exactly what’s happening to those who stand up for normalcy. Our friends at Moms for Liberty are the leading example.
Dave Bowman joins us at 8am. Just how are new states formed and brought into the union? It wasn’t an easy question and like we see now, opinions were divided. The whole question of new States would vex the nation from the very beginning. By the middle of July in 1787, there were two distinct schools of thought about the concept of adding new States to the Union. They can be briefly summarized as follows:
One side said, "DO NOT Add new States."
The other side said... "DO add new States."
We’ll see what finally came about with DAVE DOES HISTORY
Update: U of Cincinnati going backwards
NY Times- acting like Gannett?
Attack on normalcy- moms targeted
Attack on normalcy- State Lawmaker Edition
Congress dabbling in elections
The Supremes- a declaration of restraint
House investigating corporate ESG practices