We’ll travel the East Coast and the passages of time this morning. We’ll begin in Tallahassee where the latest proposed change to Florida’s constitution would make the San Francisco hippies of the 60’s and 70’s pretty happy. While there, we’ll see that the Feds (THE MAN) made big mistakes in the Andrew Gillum prosecution. No cowboys will be safe in Miami Beach hotels!
Then we are off to DC where the Durham investigation reveals the FBI was complicit and likely criminal in the “Russian Collusion” investigation of Donald Trump. The FBI admits it and President Trump has reacted.
Our last stop is Philadelphia where the nation’s constitution was born. It was not an easy delivery. Dave Bowman will relate it to us with DAVE DOES HISTORY in our 8am hour.
OK stoners, recreational pot amendment getting review
Feds to drop remaining charges vs Gillum
FBI misdeeds in Russian collusion investigation