Each day Bill records a MICKnugget, a one-minute take on some issue that got his attention that morning. Below are the scripts for last week’s NUGGETS.
CLICK HERE if you’d like to hear them. Here are the scripts:
05.01.23- A Big Decision
The Brevard School Board has a big decision to make. It hampered itself by choosing a poor recruitment method for its candidate search, but the job is done and the decision is imminent.
There are three candidates remaining for the job of superintendent. One is from Brevard; two are from outside the county. All are products of the education environment over the last 30 years.
That’s a negative. Just look at what has happened in our schools over that period of time.
I would prefer someone from outside the education establishment to be able to lead us past its ills. That’s not happening this time.
However, Mark Rendell is a known quantity. He started in Brevard Schools and he’s there now. He knows the lay of the land and has the support of the right folks.
If he has an ear to listen to parents and other stakeholders, he’ll be our best shot at righting the wrongs of Brevard public Schools.
05.02.23- Losing Rights-Begging for Freedom
Americans are losing rights and begging for freedom and some other things.
In Xenia, Ohio a judge ruled that a man claiming to be a woman has the right to disrobe in a female locker room even if underage girls are present.
Colorado democrats fought a bill that would make it felony to expose genitals to minors.
Second amendment rights have been assailed for decades and our right to free speech is similarly attacked all the time.
What could be next?
In Oregon, legislators want to make it illegal to even ask homeless encampments to move from public rights of way, so even property rights are in question.
And now the Biden administration wants to add fees to credit-worthy folks’ mortgages to help pay for those not so responsible.
In all this we have lost the sense of responsibility that comes with our rights and that irresponsibility comes with consequences.
If we don’t turn this around, America is lost.
05.03.23- BPS- A New Hope
Mark Rendell is the new Superintendent of Schools for Brevard. I believe the board made the best choice that was available to them.
Mark, one- congratulations on the appointment. The job is a tough one in a tough environment.
Two, consider this your invitation to come on BML and talk directly with Brevard about the job ahead and your vision for BPS.
You’re taking over at a time where schools are perceived to be in crisis, and not the financial one educators always thrust upon us.
No, our schools are failing in so many ways and not just here, across the country.
I want to know if you can buck the trends in education that allow bad ideology to dominate what used to be a place where education was the true goal.
Do we protect our kids while teaching them or subject them to forces that education would never allow in the past?
There is support to be found. The question is if you are ready to seek it and then lead.
05.04.23- The First Rule of Fight Club
The first rule of fight club is apparently unimportant. At the least, it’s ignored.
One Brevard Phys Ed teacher may be learning that’s a mistake.
Florida Today reports an ongoing investigation at Johnson Middle School where the teacher is alleged to have organized a fight club for students.
Students didn’t understand the rule of not talking about fight club and one told the principal. At least one videoed the fights.
What would possess anyone, much less a teacher to be involved in such a thing?
It’d be different if it were a class or club on boxing or MMA fighting, but would that be approved? Doubtful.
MMA training is intense and can whip a student into shape. Without the fights, it could be a good thing for school.
Add the fighting and somebody is in trouble.
I’m pretty sure this isn’t what the new superintendent needs in his first week on the job!
05.05.23- It’s Over, or It’s Not
Well, it’s over. But it’s not.
The Andrew Gillum trial in Tallahassee ended in one not guilty verdict for Gillum and a deadlocked jury on the other counts for Gillum and his co-conspirator.
The jury found Gillum did not lie to the FBI.
The rest is up for grabs.
The US Attorney’s office says it will retry both defendants.
What started as a look into the dirty politics of Tallahassee city government under Mayor Andrew Gillum ended up being about money flowing into his campaign for governor.
It seems the government lost its focus on the investigation and tried to create a bigger fish than was actually there.
It was pay to play politics for development in Tallahassee and it was dirty. If they’d have stayed focused on that, this would be over and Gillum would be off to jail.
Instead, the circus will come back to town and we don’t know if it will be any better!