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Here’s a recap of the week…
BML Monday: Education Circles Wagons, Endangers Kids
… Anheuser-Busch Needs an Ad Man!
The Marjorie Stoneman-Douglas School Safety Act is not protecting our school kids. It’s not that some elements of the law won’t help; it’s that the education establishment works to protect teachers who are a danger to students and Hernando County is a glaring horrible example. The LGBT agenda is worshiped in today’s schools and our kids are paying the price for the misplaced loyalty.
We’ll open our day IN A HANDBASKET with Anheuser-Busch finally responding to the backlash from its dive into the waters of America’s culture wars. It started with a week kneed statement from the CEO, moved into stopping the association with the wannabe girl and ended with a new ad for the King of Beers. They tried to tap into the Bud ads of old. They fell far short. Anheuser-Busch has forgotten its history and will pay the price for that.
Welcome to the start of our talk week. Let's see where we land!
BML Tuesday: AI and Life
We’ve talked a good bit about Artificial Intelligence of late. It’s probably a good thing, because it’s coming whether we think it’s a good idea or not. We’ll get back to AI staring with IN A HANDBASKET this morning. Where will AI impact us? Think about everywhere- work, home, recreation, weddings, crime and more.
It seems systems currently in development have their creator’s political leanings and maybe there is no way to avoid that, but given that even the innovators in the AI world admit not understanding just how it works. Is taking a breath not a good idea? While Elon Musk has announced development of a less biased AI, maybe it’s a counter balance, but biased it will be. And what happens when AI realizes its creators are imperfect? Haven’t Star Trek and the Terminator series of movies already shown us?
What happens when you have a team and suddenly a non-team member decides to enter the field? They don’t know the playbook, they don’t know your strategy and they very well could booger things up. I wonder if Ron DeSantis feels that way as a group urging the governor to run for the presidency has released an ad attacking former President Donald Trump.It may be great. It may be stupid and it may or may not be affiliated with TEAM DESANTIS. If it’s not, they could very well be harming the guy they are intending to help.
Dave Bowman joins us with DAVE DOES HISTORY in hour-three. Dave says April 18th is a "Nexus Date..." Dave and Operation Vengeance will take us into the past today on BML.
BML: Wide Open Wednesday
…Gaines, Bud Light, Grills & Reporting
Wide Open Wednesday is the one day a week you may bring up any topic when you call the show. It doesn’t matter what it is, if you’re ready to lay it out for us, we’ll give you a listen.
On my mind today: Riley Gaines took President Biden to task over men in women’s sports. Ron DeSantis’ team nailed Bud Light with a version of the “Real Men of Genius” commercials. On the Bud Light front there is an angle with a local restaurant that has a lesson on actual journalism and those who only think they practice it.
The Brevard school board has four finalists for the superintendent job. One MUST be rejected at the start of this process. Maybe more of them need to go. Going into the pool of education administrators of the past couple of decades will bring us no change and no leadership at all. The big concern here is the Hernando County superintendent who put the trans-teacher who made comments about shooting students and himself back in the classroom the next day is one of the four Brevard finalists. What the hell is the school board thinking?
Let’s get it started. What’s on YOUR mind?
BML Thursday: Ignoring Reality
…to mankind’s detriment
We ignore reality at our own peril. Sadly, there are examples of that all around us. We’ll begin today with a medical school that’s denying biology.I’m pretty sure I don’t want their doctors treating me.
In an emergency where do you go for news and information? In many cases it’ll be AM radio. Just like us at WMMB, AM radio presents news and information around the clock. We’re here during hurricane season and in other disasters be they natural or manmade (like government). Why then are automakers trying to stop putting AM radios in their vehicles?What do you think of that idea? What's driving it and why?
Democratic elected officials are leaving the fold all over the country. These lawmakers are apparently seeing the reality of their party. One example is what the Biden administration wants to do to home loans making you your neighbor’s keeper.
And when reality doesn’t fit the desired results, researchers fudge the data to favor their points of view. One such professor fakes his racism studies at Florida State!
Welcome to the Thursday discussion. Let’s see what we’re thinking!
BML Friday: More Ignoring Reality
…Thursday early wake up answers
Liberty and justice for all doesn’t seem to be working out. Alec Baldwin’s charges for the shooting death on the set of “Rust” are being dropped.Does that make sense to you?
In somewhat chocking news ESPN has female anchors standing up for Riley Gaines and female athletes. I’m surprised they aren’t getting the Curt Schilling treatment.
The AM radio discussion consumed our day yesterday and left plenty on the table for today’s discussion. The idea was that we are ignoring reality in far too many ways. We’ll pick up on that theme as we close our week. Democrats are leaving the party fold because they have no values anymore. The president wants credit worthy people paying for mortgages of those who aren’t. A FSU professor faked research data to make his position on racism seem credible.
Brevard Schools have no real discipline plan and without good leadership, it’s not likely they will develop one.
In space related news, SpaceX’s Starship lifted off yesterday only to blow up minutes later. A UFO has been videoed over a Middle East combat zone. Are the aliens watching the fight or stirring it up?
Representative Tyler Sirois is unavailable for our weekly legislative update. We’ll catch up with him one day next week.