We ignore reality at our own peril. Sadly, there are examples of that all around us. We’ll begin today with a medical school that’s denying biology. I’m pretty sure I don’t want their doctors treating me.
In an emergency where do you go for news and information? In many cases it’ll be AM radio. Just like us at WMMB, AM radio presents news and information around the clock. We’re here during hurricane season and in other disasters be they natural or manmade (like government). Why then are automakers trying to stop putting AM radios in their vehicles? What do you think of that idea? What’s driving it and why?
Democratic elected officials are leaving the fold all over the country. These lawmakers are apparently seeing the reality of their party. One example is what the Biden administration wants to do to home loans making you your neighbor’s keeper.
And when reality doesn’t fit the desired results, researchers fudge the data to favor their points of view. One such professor fakes his racism studies at Florida State!
Welcome to the Thursday discussion. Let's see what we’re thinking!
Killing patients? Med School ignoring reality
Losing AM radio in your car?
Dems continue leaving the fold
Your neighbor’s keeper? Back to Obama policies
FSU professor faked racism data
Partisan school board elections to ballot
Parental rights through 12th grade- it doesn’t say gay!
Brevard School Discipline- no real plan
What abuse should cops have to tolerate?
Brevard Commission short, next?