If you need a trigger warning over material to be covered in your college class, just maybe you are not college material. If you are employed at a state college, maybe you should familiarize yourself with the state’s public records laws. If you are a New York prosecutor, maybe you should look at just who the victim is before making a charging decision.
If you are the leader of the Florida Democratic Party or their Minority Leader in the Senate, maybe you should consider whether your actions help or hurt your credibility. If you’re interested in becoming Brevard’s next Superintendent of Schools, maybe you make the cut today.
And if you’re Budweiser, you may want to consider your core customers before playing in the culture wars. Doing so puts Bud Light’s dumb decision IN A HAND BASKET as we begin our Tuesday on BML.
We had anticipated Dave Bowman’s return with DAVE DOES HISTORY on today’s show, but sadly, Dave is still recovering from his surgery a couple of weeks ago. We’ll look for Dave’s return as soon as next week.
Need a Trigger Warning? Get out of college!
New College professors turn their private email public (not bright people)
Dems Fried, Book arrested in abortion protest
FL Senate clears gallery to vote on abortion
Brevard to select Superintendent finalists today
Defend Florida ties to DeSantis camp
MUSK: NY Times=propaganda, loses Twitter status