When police adopt the tactics of today’s media we could all be in danger. IN A HANDBASKET we’ll find police in the UK misinforming the public about a suspect. If you were told the bad guy was a woman, what would you expect? Chances are it’s not this!
There’s a move across the country to ban TikTok. There’s also one in congress, but is it what it seems?
Since AI chat bots are increasing popular, they too are facing increased scrutiny. Elon Musk and others are working toward creating bots that are not biased against the right.
President Trump’s indictment certainly caused a stir last week. What else did it cause? Support for his 2024 campaign and the dollars rolled in. The decisions of NYC prosecutors have come under scrutiny after the Trump indictment was announced. One in particular seems really bad.
Brevard Public Schools are in transition. The board hopes to set a new direction for the stumbling district. It’s not without its challenges as the interim superintendent seems to have arrived with problems of his own that are impacting more than the board. Board Member Gene Trent will join us in hour-3 to discuss those issues and the path forward.
When cops do this, we are all in danger
MUSK, others work toward non-woke chat bots
Indictment boosts Trump fundraising
BPS: problems with the interim Superintendent
New College professors turn their private email public (not bright people)
Defend Florida ties to DeSantis camp
MUSK: NY Times=propaganda, loses Twitter status