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Here’s a recap of the week…
BML Monday: Trump to be Arrested?
Due to technical issues in show prep this morning there won’t be links for several of the stories in play for today’s show.For some reason my cell phone quit taking calls and texts that are required for authentication to access the stories I sent myself over the weekend. The issue’s been resolved, but too late for publication here.
Here’s what’s on tap…
IN A HANDBASKET- a Texas school replaced ROCK-PAPER-SCISSORS with a new game. It has parents upset and they are speaking out. I could see this one at a college frat house, but not a public school and not initiated by a teacher.
With the NCAA basketball tournament in full swing, top athletes are in focus. It’s not all about fame and fortune and one NFLer has figured it out.
In a story we tried to get to Friday, should lawmakers be codifying the second amendment? I can see the desire, but when is a right a right and when does it become a privilege.
While a New York grand jury is investigating President Trump, the former president caused a firestorm over the weekend by Tweeting that he could be arrested tomorrow. The reaction was fast and furious and Elon Musk may have had the best answer of all.
The Associated Press has a report on the fall of ERIC, the election fraud tool. If we have time we’ll talk about going back to square one in election security.
BML Tuesday: Violence Deployed on Your Behalf
…or, You Be the Cop
Our Tuesday IN A HANDBASKET has a national media group again asking us to believe the unbelievable. USA TODAY is convinced the best woman for the job is a man!
Conservative speakers are frequently booed off the stage at college speaking engagements. So are college officials who apologize for their little miscreants’ behavior.
A Florida mayor has left the job early, quitting mid-meeting yesterday. I get the frustration, but really?
We ask law enforcement to face situations we can’t or would rather not face. Violence is often a part of that job. Yet, when it’s deployed the scrutiny is extreme. Any loss of life is tragic, but when a suspect is dealing out violence of his own, what do you want cops to do? The courts have come down on the side of cops in one Brevard case, and that’s as it should be.
President Biden has issues his first veto and he’s blaming the MAGA crowd. He did sign the COVID origins bill. The COVID questions were there from the start and they continue with even stranger twists.
Dave Bowman is out this week and likely next. We'll look forward to his return with DAVE DOES HISTORY.
…it’s your day
Welcome to your day on BML. WIDE OPEN WEDNESDAY lets you bring any topic to our discussion. What's on your mind? You can get it in play when you call the show at 321.768.1240.
For my part it’s Superman, things not yet WOKE, legislation that will not accomplish the goal, year-round school, a UCF professor suing the university after winning his job back, making public schools rethink what they are doing, a former lawmaker taking a plea deal and early presidential polling that may be concerning to Ron DeSantis.
But, today it’s all up to you. Welcome to the WIDE OPEN WEDNESDAY conversation.
BML Thursday: School Choice- Brevard Schemes to Fight It
…are they thinking about kids or $?
We’ll open our Thursday with an IN A HANDBASKET update. Stanford is taking action against that faculty member who appeared to lead a student protect while a judge was there to speak to law students.
Big Brother, the ever watchful eye of the government, is watching you. They’ll claim it’s not them, but it is. Oh, yeah, it is!
We’ll live in the education world a while on today’s show as a UCF professor is suing the school after winning his job back, Brevard Schools are looking to tap into voucher money with a very questionable idea and one complaint stopped an EFSC government class dead in its tracks.
Open Carry was introduced and then quickly pulled in the Florida House while Campus Carry has been signed into law in West Virginia.
And in Orange County it’s the prosecutor versus the cops. That’s good for nobody!
BML Friday: Sports, Schools & Social Media
…Spring Break: Miami v Ft. Lauderdale
Our Friday begins with the sports world reacting to transletes. In one case, a female pro cyclist is leaving the sport because men are dominating women’s competition. In the second, the world governing group for track and other sports is banning translete competitors in women’s events…for now.
One the schools front, Denver had taken cops out of their schools and one superintendent has bucked the system after a recent school shooting. The board has backed his move against its own policy. Tennessee has good idea that has been floated with Rep. Tyler Sirois here. Not taking federal funding for education could set the state free to establish its own, better system without federal strings.
Utah is restricting kids’ access to social media. It may sound like a good idea, but is it the role of the state to do this?
Florida has passed school voucher expansion and it’s likely the governor will sign it. Will Brevard continue the bad idea its interim superintendent proposed to fight it?
Spring break in Miami has been violent and deadly. Just an hour north, Ft. Lauderdale had no real issues. What’s the difference and why?
Let’s see where a Friday takes us…