Each day Bill records a MICKnugget, a one-minute take on some issue that got his attention that morning. Below are the scripts for last week’s NUGGETS.
CLICK HERE if you’d like to hear them. Here are the scripts:
03.20.23- A Trump Arrest
Social Media and the political crowd exploded with a social post by President Trump on Saturday indicating he would be indicted by a Manhattan grand jury this week.
Trump’s post was pure Trump and an example of how he’ll use the event as campaign fodder, should it occur.
Others have jumped onboard and claimed, like Elon Musk did, that a Trump arrest would virtually assure a landslide victory in 2024.
While I don’t believe the optics of a Trump arrest are positive for the left, I also don’t think they are as beneficial as many would believe.
Too many people are firmly entrenched in their existing positions for anything to matter much.
Oh, it’ll be a flash in the pan and drive some dialogue, but it won’t be much more than that.
2024 is a long way off and voters have short memories.
03.21.23- Degrading Women & News
USA TODAY has done it again. The Gannett property has degraded every woman in Minnesota and everywhere else.
How? By selecting their Minnesota Woman of the Year. It’s a dude!
Yes, Gannett’s flagship, national paper has insulted every woman on the planet and harmed itself in the process.
Minnesota’s Woman of the Year is State Rep. Leigh Finke. Finke is a woman with “one of part A,” in other words, a man.
Is there no actual woman in all of Minnesota deserving of recognition? Apparently not, else USA TODAY would have chosen one.
The worst part of this is what they are expecting us to believe. That this man is actually a woman.
It has to be one or the other. Either there are no worthy women or Finke IS a woman.
I don’t believe either.
And it’s things like this that keep me from believing about anything from Gannett.
03.22.23- Superman’s Comeback
Over the last couple of years Superman changed. As the DC comic series transitioned to Clark Kent’s son Jon as the new man of steel, it also changed other things, like his sexual preference and his slogan.
Truth, justice and the American way became truth, justice and a better tomorrow.
Superman was officially WOKE.
There is hope. WOKE, after all, is not Kryptonite. Superman is making a comeback in a new DC movie, Superman: Legacy.
It will explore the impact of Superman’s home world and his small town upbringing on who he is.
They are also returning to the traditional slogan…the American way is back in Superman’s mission.
Until the WOKE in society wield Kryptonite, it’ll be good to see Superman fighting for a return to normalcy.
03.23.23- Brevard Schemes on School Choice
Brevard Schools have showed their hand in the school choice issue. For BPS it’s about money and keeping their students by whatever means necessary, not education.
Interim Superintendent Robert Schiller has suggested the board create its own charter school district, under BPS control to compete with private and charter schools that may draw students away.
I have a better idea.
Instead of creating a sub-bureaucracy at who knows how much more expense, why not direct those efforts at improving the schools they have?
If they can create a better product with their own charter schools, why can’t they simply improve the product they already manage?
They are offering an alternative of the same. In other words, it’s no alternative at all.
If BPS would focus on their only job, graduating kids ready for more education or the real world after 12th grade, we’d all be better off.
Scheming to keep the money serves nobody well.
03.24.23- FINALLY- a Superintendent Leader
It’s about time. Finally, a Superintendent of schools has stood up to the idiots running education policy in his district.
Sadly, it’s not here in Florida, but in Denver where Alex Marrero took a stand that could jeopardize his position. It was the right stand to take.
After a recent shooting of two staffers by a student, Marrero announced he would be returning cops to campus. They had been removed in an overreaction to the George Floyd situation by the board.
Marrero said he would accept the consequences for his actions. In other words, he was willing to lose his job to protect his schools.
How could the board not agree?
And agree they did, at least for now.
Cops will stay on campus through this school year. We can only hope the board sees the leadership Marrero offers and keep the cops.
It’d be nice to see a superintendent leader in Brevard, but I won’t hold my breath.