Bill Mick LIVE

Bill Mick LIVE

Bill’s been a morning staple on the Space Coast since 2001. Call the show at 321.768.1240 weekdays from 6am-9am.Full Bio


BML Thursday: School Choice- Brevard Schemes to Fight It

We’ll open our Thursday with an IN A HANDBASKET update. Stanford is taking action against that faculty member who appeared to lead a student protect while a judge was there to speak to law students.

Big Brother, the ever watchful eye of the government, is watching you. They’ll claim it’s not them, but it is. Oh, yeah, it is!

We’ll live in the education world a while on today’s show as a UCF professor is suing the school after winning his job back, Brevard Schools are looking to tap into voucher money with a very questionable idea and one complaint stopped an EFSC government class dead in its tracks.

Open Carry was introduced and then quickly pulled in the Florida House while Campus Carry has been signed into law in West Virginia.

And in Orange County it’s the prosecutor versus the cops. That's good for nobody!


Stanford suspends protesting dean



Big Brother is Watching

UCF prof sues school after firing/reinstatement

Making Brevard Schools think

One complaint & discussion stopped at EFSC



Open Carry introduced, then pulled

Prosecutor v Cops in Orange County

DeSantis- parental rights law to high schools

Brevard Commission moves notices online

DeSantis, 17 other governors, fighting ESG



WV passes Campus Carry

POLLS: Trump v DeSantis

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