Bill Mick LIVE

Bill Mick LIVE

Bill’s been a morning staple on the Space Coast since 2001. Call the show at 321.768.1240 weekdays from 6am-9am.Full Bio


The Week That Was

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Here’s a recap of the week…

BML Monday: Florida vs the World?

…are we standing alone?

Is it us verses the world? As we talked with Representative Tyler Sirois on Friday, the state is tackling ESG in the upcoming legislative session. It may come to a head very quickly as DISCOVER CARD will begin tracking firearms related purchases this spring. If the legislation goes as expected, this will pit DISCOVER and other card companies against state law. In California, Governor DeSantis highlighted the differences in policies here and those in California. They are distinct. Does the country have the resolve to let freedom ring?

One thing from California that is planning on landing in Florida is Jack in the Box restaurants. As fast food goes, it’s one of my favorites. I hope there’s a Brevard location or two in the works.

The Murdough trial, watched closely by many over the last few weeks, is over and the swindling lawyer was convicted of murdering his wife and son. As news outlets are prone to do, experts were sought out for commentary. One expert wonders why he was asked about the case.

Who are we electing to office these days? We are not getting a good look or read on the candidates it seems. A look at mayors around the country will show what we mean.  One Florida motorcycle rider may just quality as a candidate for Palm Bay city council.

Welcome to the start of our week-long conversation.

BML Tuesday: Is Free Speech Endangered in Florida?


Even Kim Komando brought it to the forefront in her Monday morning update. Free Speech appears to be under attack in Tallahassee, and by a Republican administration and legislature, no less! On top of the French Interloper’s bill to register and fine those who create political commentary, the folks in Tallahassee are clamping down on protests and informational pickets at the capitol complex. You’d think an administration and legislature with a veto-proof majority would be stronger than to need to quell dissenting speech.Apparently they aren’t. On top of that, The Secretary of State- the position a wholly owned subsidiary of the governor- has decided to dump EVID, the electronic tool that is the best defense against voter fraud. Why would Republicans want to do that? If Tallahassee continues to act like Democrats drunk with power, it won’t be long until they lose the base. These recent actions of the newly minted legislature seem out of character. Maybe lacking character is a better description. Rights are rights, period. There is no gray area. Either something like freedom of speech is a right that the political right will protect, or we are living at the will of our masters.

Then, President Trump is reported to be ready to paint Ron DeSantis as an establishment war hawk. It won’t be necessary if the governor’s administration and the legislature (following the governor’s lead) continue to stifle the first amendment and pull stupid stunts like making elections less secure. DeSantis’ luster will fade, Republicans will stop supporting those who care not about the rights of the people and our rekindled red state will fade to purple and go blue. Mark my words.

On the political insight front, what did I tell you about the zoo and government funding? It’s happening before our very eyes. The county commission is threatening the zoo with funding losses if it stops renting to political events. The zoo should have never talked politics and woke culture.It’s a game the zoo is not fit to play, and by doing so opened itself to criticism and retaliation by politicians who tend to behave like…politicians.

We have more than we’ll ever get to with just those stories in play, but it’s Tuesday and we have a cliffhanger from last week’s DAVE DOES HISTORY. There was more to Nixon going to China than we knew. After today’s 8am hour, you’ll know, too.

BML WIDE OPEN WEDNESDAY: When the Zoo Plays Politics

…I told you this would happen

As Rush Limbaugh would say: see, I told you so. It’s the reason for the headline on today’s show page. When the Brevard Zoo decided to play social issue politics last week I knew it would come back to haunt them. The county commission has threatened significant zoo funding if political events are no longer allowed there. Politicians will always do one thing- take care of themselves.

Today is WIDE OPEN WEDNESDAY where you may bring any topic you choose to our discussion. I’ll open the day IN A HANDBASKET with Chris Rock’s Netflix special and an unusual take on it by Jason Whitlock.

The totalitarian attitude of Florida’s ruling party, my party, the Republicans is appalling. There is no respect for the first amendment. We have already seen the same for the second and fourth. Is there nothing these officials won’t do to trample the constitution? Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.I fear it’s happening in Tallahassee.

Unprincipled officials cannot serve the public that elected them. I am frankly surprised there aren’t more of us trying to hold them to a higher standard.

Now, what’s on your mind?

BML Thursday: Meaningless Words and Action

…will AI take your job…or worse?

Did you see the world celebrating International Women’s Day yesterday? It was silly.There are made up recognitions every day. I think it was Pancake Appreciation Day earlier in the week. But this one, a day to recognize women (I recognize them every day), has been co-opted like any other gender related issue.  Our First Lady and Secretary of State proved it with their courage award to a woman with a penis. Like the unicorn, such creatures don’t exist, not as women anyway.Piers Morgan had an interesting take on the day as well.

Here in the real world, Brevard school board members are suing each other as JJ Dynamite is going after board chair Matt Susin’s communication records. If he was dumb enough to use his personal phone for government business (and I have complete faith in how dumb he is), he may as well hand the phone over and save us all the trouble. 

In all of the first amendment fracas this week there is a sign that someone is listening. The Governor and Speaker of the House have come out against the French Interloper’s blogger registration idea. While we’re thinking Tallahassee, the RPOF Chair is saying good things and I want to believe him. Somehow I just can’t.

Florida Today’s John Torres will be joined by his wife, Jennifer, in today’s 8am hour. Jennifer, a reporter as well, covers technical issues and we’ll dive into Artificial Intelligence and its impact on our lives. We’ll also get the latest on the Crosley Green saga from John.

My kids loved Goosebumps books. R. L. Stein grabbed the imaginations of lots of kids with those scary tales. Like other classics, Goosebumps are under fire by the woke publishing world and Stein ain’t too happy about it. We find Goosebumps IN A HANDBASKET as we start our day.

BML Friday: Losing Rights, Failing Our Kids

…Rep. Tyler Sirois

We talked a lot about the First amendment this week.We’ll continue that today. The 2nd Amendment is also in play and so is the dumbing down of our children. We’ll find our kids IN A HANDBASKET where there seems to be an IQ dip from previous generations.

Florida’s infringement of the 2nd Amendment with the Stoneman Douglas School Safety law has been upheld by the 11th Circuit. This happening while the legislature is working to dismantle some of its more onerous provisions. While congress looks into the “Twitter Files” case, democrats want one journalist’s source revealed. He’s saying no. Tucker Carlson has been under fire for sharing January 6th video and his commentary on the day.   Chuck Schumer wants him fired for doing so. It’s not just Republicans going after free speech; maybe all politicians fear public dialogue?

It’s been an interesting week in Tallahassee as the legislature began the 2023 session. Representative Tyler Sirois will join us in our 8am hour to brief us on the week.

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