Bill Mick LIVE

Bill Mick LIVE

Bill’s been a morning staple on the Space Coast since 2001. Call the show at 321.768.1240 weekdays from 6am-9am.Full Bio



Each day Bill records a MICKnugget, a one-minute take on some issue that got his attention that morning. Below are the scripts for last week’s NUGGETS. 

CLICK HERE if you’d like to hear them. Here are the scripts:

03.06.23- Ask the Expert!

The murder trial of Alex Murdaugh drew national attention. His wife and son were slain on the family’s Carolina property and the jury was quick to convict the attorney who also faces charges related to his law practice.

As usual, the media and others sought out experts to comment on the case and its outcome.

One such expert claims to not understand why he was being asked. His name?

OJ Simpson.

How unaware of his status can a person be? Would there be any greater expert on slaying a family member?

Doesn’t he get that the world sees him that way?

Even in his denial, Simpson went on to opine that he believed Murdaugh was guilty.

You’d think OJ would shun the spotlight after everything that happened since Nicole Brown Simpson’s murder.

I guess maybe he has impulse control issues.

03.07.23- Free Speech Endangered in Florida

Free Speech appears to be under attack in Tallahassee, and by a Republican administration and legislature, no less! On top of the French Interloper’s bill to register and fine those who create political commentary, the folks in Tallahassee are clamping down on protests and informational pickets at the capitol complex. 

You’d think an administration and legislature with a veto-proof majority would be stronger than to need to quell dissenting speech. Apparently they aren’t

If Tallahassee continues to act like Democrats drunk with power, it won’t be long until they lose the base.

Rights are rights, period. There is no gray area. Either something like freedom of speech is a right that the political right will protect, or we are living at the will of our masters.

03.08.23- Republicans Drunk on Power

The totalitarian attitude of Florida’s ruling party, my party, the Republicans is appalling. 

There is no respect for the first amendment. We have already seen the same for the second and fourth. 

Is there nothing these officials won’t do to trample the constitution? Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. I fear it’s happening in Tallahassee.

Unprincipled officials cannot serve the public that elected them. I am frankly surprised there aren’t more of us trying to hold them to a higher standard.

If they, and we, don’t stand for our rights- all of them- we are not free men.

None of us want to see that.

03.09.23- Meaningless Women’s Day

International Women’s Day is a waste of time and an insult to women.

No, there’s nothing wrong with honoring successful women, but they need to be women!

The First Lady and Secretary of State presented an award intended to honor a woman to…a dude!

The Twitterverse exploded with criticism, and rightly so.

What woman went unrecognized when that award was handed to a man? Was no woman accomplished enough to get the credit?

The best woman for the job was, in fact, a man? I think not.

Ignoring the realities of the world doesn’t make us superior, it makes us stupid and mean spirited.

Logic will tell us that saying something is so does not make it so. 

Maybe the First Lady and Secretary of State need to go back to class and brush up on biology…a little sociology wouldn’t hurt, either.

03.10.23- Election Integrity or Attack?

I’d like to see the “election integrity” crowd begin actually working to that end. So far, it’s whining and complaining to the wrong places, about the wrong things and to the wrong people.

Resolutions and letters to Supervisors of Elections, riddled with incorrect information and even unlawful demands are landing in the wrong place and doing damage to those who are committed to election integrity.

SOEs follow Florida law in administering elections. They can’t change the law, only follow it.

Running them down with outlandish accusations is counterproductive.

If change is to be made, the primary location is the Florida Legislature where election law is crafted. Following that would be the Secretary of State’s office where statewide procedures are laid out.

It's time the “election integrity” groups understand who their allies actually are and stop playing Russian roulette with elections officials who are on their side.

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