Is it us verses the world? As we talked with Representative Tyler Sirois on Friday, the state is tackling ESG in the upcoming legislative session. It may come to a head very quickly as DISCOVER CARD will begin tracking firearms related purchases this spring. If the legislation goes as expected, this will pit DISCOVER and other card companies against state law. In California, Governor DeSantis highlighted the differences in policies here and those in California. They are distinct. Does the country have the resolve to let freedom ring?
One thing from California that is planning on landing in Florida is Jack in the Box restaurants. As fast food goes, it’s one of my favorites. I hope there’s a Brevard location or two in the works.
The Murdough trial, watched closely by many over the last few weeks, is over and the swindling lawyer was convicted of murdering his wife and son. As news outlets are prone to do, experts were sought out for commentary. One expert wonders why he was asked about the case.
Who are we electing to office these days? We are not getting a good look or read on the candidates it seems. A look at mayors around the country will show what we mean. One Florida motorcycle rider may just quality as a candidate for Palm Bay city council.
Welcome to the start of our week-long conversation.
DISCOVER CARDS to track gun related purchases
Jack in the Box- hope they bring one here
Zonka to lead FL Dept. of Health in Brevard
M4L co-founder on new Disney board
FINALLY- someone is thinking about EVs
Maher credits many on COVID dissent
Rules impacting pro tennis competition
Shelter sues WA over hiring restrictions
The companies who are anti-you