Each day Bill records a MICKnugget, a one-minute take on some issue that got his attention that morning. Below are the scripts for last week’s NUGGETS.
CLICK HERE if you’d like to hear them. Here are the scripts:
02.22.23- The Event
The Event happened Tuesday morning. I was at the hospital at 6:45am. I was ready.
I had spent the day Monday on a clear, liquid diet. I was hungry. When the event was over, I could eat. That was the goal.
The event was a colonoscopy. I’d had one before, but was overdue.
We dread the prep. Not eating for a day and then drinking the prep solution and its inevitable aftermath aren’t fun. But, here’s the surprise: it wasn’t bad.
The new prep was no pain to drink and it was efficient in its job. Having a favorite show to binge watch also helped.
At the hospital the staff was professional and friendly. The procedure was over in the blink of an eye.
And then, finally, I could eat!
02.23.23- The Cheatbot
OpenAI created a chatbot called ChatGPT. It’s an artificial intelligence tool that can assist in creating, at the least, entertaining commentary. At its worst, it’s being used by students to cheat in school. A cheatbot, if you will.
It’s got folks at the International Baccalaureate program and Lee County Schools perplexed.
The IB coordinator at Lee County sent a letter to parents about their kids cheating by using AI to write their essays.
Apparently the AI was more capable at the assignment than the students had previously demonstrated. The writing style was beyond what the students had done before.
What I wonder is how long it will be until kids can instruct the AI to write a paper in the student’s style and teachers will be clueless to the cheat.
Plagiarism is cheating and if it’s not stopped, these kids could end up being President of the United States!
02.24.23- Credibility Is Everything
My baby wrote me a letter. Great song, but a bad idea for talk radio.
When I got to the office this morning there was a letter on my desk. It was suspicious from the start. It’s not the first suspicious package to come to the office.
A taped on, typed address and no return address were clues. So was the claim of group representation followed by no signature or return contact method. This was intended to be a one-way communication. Radio doesn’t work that way. We have conversations.
That wasn’t possible here, so I did what we do…I shared it. Then I shredded it.
There is no credibility with anonymous missives. There is no integrity with them either.
Either stand up for what you believe and own it, or don’t bother.
Oh, you may get my time and attention, but you may not like it.