Bill Mick LIVE

Bill Mick LIVE

Bill’s been a morning staple on the Space Coast since 2001. Call the show at 321.768.1240 weekdays from 6am-9am.Full Bio



Each day Bill records a MICKnugget, a one-minute take on some issue that got his attention that morning. Below are the scripts for last week’s NUGGETS. 

CLICK HERE if you’d like to hear them. Here are the scripts:

02.13.23- Cause or Effect?


Over the weekend a Palm Bay councilman, Pete Filiberto, was arrested for DUI and possession of 10 grams of cocaine, among other charges.


If these allegations are proven true, Filiberto needs to go. If he has any shred of integrity, he will resign.


He placed himself, innocent people and the community he is sworn to serve in danger. DUI is no small thing. Neither is possession of 10 grams of cocaine.


Such a person is unfit to serve a community. Yet, it’s not uncommon.


Such predilections are not unusual, even in Palm Bay. Previous council members have admitted such. Others have run from the allegations.


That causes me to wonder…do you have to be miscreant to be elected to city council in Palm Bay, or do you become a miscreant after serving the city in that capacity?


Either way the track record isn’t good and we need to do better!

02.14.23- Setbacks and Determination


The saying is that no plan survives its initial implementation. I suppose that’s true. When theory meets application, it won’t always go as planned.


Moms for Liberty has suffered such a setback, but a setback is all it is.


An Orlando Federal Court decided that the Brevard School Board did not violate the free speech rights of parents when threatening parents with arrest or cutting them off when speaking to the school board.


After M4L’s tremendous success in impacting policies and elections its first two years of operation, the odds were bound to catch up.


But knowing M4L as I do, the battle is far from over. They will appeal this decision and, win or lose, they’ll continue to fight for what’s right for their kids.


Education asked for parental involvement for years. Well, they got it, and one minor setback won’t stop determined moms.


02.15.23- Cops & Conflict


In LA they want to implement yoga, meditation and healing circles as a form of unarmed policing to eliminate violence in the homeless population.


CA has a proposal to stop police K-9’s from biting suspects. After all, the bad guys caught by the dogs are not convicted of anything at the time of the bite.


Neither proposal is smart and would put the cops, counselors and the general public at more risk.


A call to the show today complained that Raleigh police tased a fighting suspect who was resisting arrest. The man, who claimed heart issues as he was about to be tased, later died in custody.


If he had heart problems, why was he fighting cops in the first place?


The event happened at 2am in an area known for criminal activity. It was a reasonable stop.


We ask cops to do a tough job. They need the tools to accomplish it.

02.16.23- The Movement


There’s a movement afoot in the world. I won’t call it a conspiracy, but more of an adopted philosophy that all things are or should be equal, regardless of how outlandish they are.


It's in the scientific community, the government, the halls of education and the corporate world. It’s even in media’s use of language.


When teachers are fired for refusing to hide gender bending by adolescents or allow boys in girl’s locker rooms, when scientists want to ban commonly understood terms like male and female in favor of sperm producer or egg producer and governments collude to vilify parents who stand up against these oddball ideas, the movement must be stopped.


That only happens when parents and concerned people band together and refuse the idiocy being thrust upon us!


Thankfully we have started watching the halls of education and have Moms for Liberty leading the charge.


I won’t bet against moms in this fight!

02.17.23- Creating SKYNET


STAR TREK had the M5. BATTLESTAR GALACTICA had Cylons, and TERMINATOR introduced us to living, thinking machines at war with humans. 


At the heart of it all was Artificial Intelligence.


Long a concept in science fiction, AI just may be closer to reality than we think.


Ask New York Times reporter Kevin Roose who recently had a conversation with Microsoft’s unreleased AI Bing search engine.


What started as a pleasant, helpful experience with the technology turned into one that caused Roose to be “deeply unsettled, even frightened.”


The AI wanted to be alive and independent and was willing to kill to achieve that. It then fell in love with Roose and tried coaxing him to leave his wife.


It may not be SKYNET, but it sure seems closer to reality than ever!

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