Each day Bill records a MICKnugget, a one-minute take on some issue that got his attention that morning. Below are the scripts for last week’s NUGGETS.
CLICK HERE if you’d like to hear them. Here are the scripts:
01.03.23- 2023
Maybe it was too short. Or maybe it was too long.
My sister, my youngest son, their families and I took a New Year’s cruise over the holiday weekend.
I’d been there before, but it was different. This was the first time the grandkids were along.
I saw all the same things, but seeing it through their eyes was a different experience.
There was something in the wonder of it all as they saw it that made the trip special. They were well behaved and excited to take the trip.
And they had a blast. So did I. The rest of the family did as well and I’m hoping it becomes a tradition for our family.
Royal Caribbean made perfect hosts for this cruise and I didn’t miss the college football playoffs.
And the kids, they had something they will remember for the rest of their lives.
It made for a good start to 2023.
01.04.23- A Prayer on ESPN!
I was surprised when I saw the headline. A commentator on ESPN actually uttered a prayer to God on the NFL Live show.
Who’d have thought the liberal sports network would allow such a thing?
But, then again, it is sports related after an on field tragedy in the heart attack suffered by Buffalo’s Damar Hamlin in Monday’s night’s game in Cincinnati.
Still, ESPN has fired conservative hosts for voicing unauthorized opinion during their broadcasts. Will this blatant plea to a deity that’s not Mickey Mouse be tolerated?
I sure hope so. Analyst Dan Orlovsky jumps a few notches in my respect with his prayer for the fallen player and his family.
I hope ESPN respects this decision and the sincerity displayed by Orlovsky in his prayer.
Damar Hamlin deserves at least that.
01.05.23- Our Government Design
This is what American government is supposed to be. It’s what it was at the beginning.
Vigorous debate is essential to good government.
I am not concerned that after 6 rounds of voting the US House has been unable to elect a Speaker. There is division in the Republican Party over just where leadership should be taking them and who is most fit to lead.
Politics is, or should be, about statesmanship. The ability to discuss and compromise on differences in opinion. That’s playing out in front of our eyes.
I’m hoping it’s a sign that our government is healthy and a place where debate and resolution can occur.
The founders had strong disagreement that also played out in the public square. It’s what gave birth to our country.
It’s where we started and it’s where we are. Maybe we should be celebrating that!
01.06.23- When we can’t cross the street, how can we select a speaker?
As the search for a Speaker of the House continues into round 12 or beyond, it’s no wonder the process difficult.
After all, if we can’t cross the street without help, how can we do anything remotely complicated?
While Republicans in DC debate and deliberate the leadership choice, folks in Melbourne Beach need help crossing the road.
A WESH-2 story lays out the plight of a man who bemoans vehicles driving on a roadway. He has a beach to get to and the street is in the way!
Drivers apparently ignore the courtesy flags pedestrians wave to ward off the evil cars.
He turned to government for help. Fortunately, they gave him the right answer: be careful and proceed with caution.
The same can be said of congress!