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Here’s a recap of the week…
BML Monday: Media, Meaning & Money
…Art McPherson & the economy
‘Tis the week before Christmas and here on the show
There won’t be much different, we’re talkers, you know
Today Art McPherson talks money with us
We’ll start with the media, making us cuss
On Tuesday we won’t have Dave’s history
But we’ll keep on talking, just you and me
Wednesday’s wide open, you talk what you like
And Thursday it’s Insurance, the prices have spiked
It’s Pags for me Friday, the day almost here
It’ll be me and Taco bringing good cheer
And Monday we’re off, the holiday late
But Tuesday, back at it, so don’t you be late
With plenty to talk about, life doesn’t wait
And as for the holiday, I hope yours is great!
Now, let’s get to our Monday edition of BML.
BML Tuesday: Cops are People, Too
…Stop Pretending
As American manufacturers go gaga over electric vehicles, it’s not Ford with a better idea. Toyota has a word of caution about taking the electric plunge. A bad idea is IN A HANDBASKET this morning.
I was fortunate as a police officer. I worked for commanders and police chiefs who looked out for their troops. I’m not sure the deputies of the Volusia County Sheriff’s Department have the same support. Sheriff Mike Chitwood is taking a stand that puts cops families in jeopardy when a deputy is involved in a use of force incident.
The Florida Legislature is considering partisan school board elections. It’s about time we stop pretending they are not partisan.
The CDC has scrubbed some statistics from its web site to appease the anti-gun crowd. The numbers, often cited by Shooting Straight’s Royce Bartlett, show the number of times firearms are used to stop violent attacks against law abiding citizens.
We have these stories and more in play for a Tuesday edition of BML. It’s nice to have you along for the conversation.
…it’s YOUR day
If you have not finished your holiday shopping yet, it’s crunch time. We’ll try to help you IN A HANDBASKET with a list of the worst gifts ever. You may have some to add, or maybe suggest gifts that won’t bomb.
Once that’s done, it’s your day to take us anywhere you like. Whatever topic you want to talk is just fine with us as WIDE OPEN WEDNESDAY opens the door.
For my part: the NCAA has a new leader- can he navigate the PC world of college athletics and protect woman athletes? One university is banning TikTok, will others follow? Hollywood has some of the most self-righteous people you’ll find anywhere. One actor looks at what we became during COVID. Here in Florida, Governor DeSantis is being painted as going after teachers unions, and maybe he is. Maybe he should be. Brevard Schools are convening a panel to look at discipline issues. Getting bogged down with committees doesn’t seem to be the way to go.
So, get to thinking on your worst (and best) gift ideas. That’s up first on our WIDE OPEN WEDNESDAY.
BML Thursday: The Societal Shift
… Representative Tyler Sirois
There’s no doubt our society is changing. Whether it’s faith, freedom, pop culture or government, we are living in shifting times. We’ll look at some of those changes in our conversation this morning.
Keith in Valkaria’s idea of a level playing field in sports is being called for in Hollywood. The mayor in Richmond, Virginia is erasing vestiges of the capital of the Confederacy. A Titusville priest is speaking out after the church acted against him. The federal government is getting involved in local school library fights.
The upside of all this appears to be the people who are moving to support Governor Ron DeSantis.
Representative Tyler Sirois is with us in our final hour to discuss the special session and what lies ahead as we move into 2023 including constitutional carry that the governor has vowed to sign should it pass the legislature.
Today is our last show before Christmas. Joe Pags will cover our mornings tomorrow and Monday.
I hope you have a great holiday and have time to unwind and enjoy family and friends.
Merry Christmas!